Africa Project 2014 - Lemurian Lights Phase 2 Project - Mary - TopicsExpress


Africa Project 2014 - Lemurian Lights Phase 2 Project - Mary Magdalene ~ Part 8 ~ Channelled through Michelle Manders© Channelled in Johannesburg, on 09 July, 2014. Starlight 6-Pointed Star Shudder Grid Activation ~ Opening the 12 Chakric Bodies ~ 15th Cosmic Ray of Joy. Absolutely everything you are experiencing at this time is a new level of energy. Thus if you are facing issues that appear to be issues from your past, know that you are dealing with it from a new level of consciousness, attitude and perspective, thus allowing you newer opportunities to rise above these old issues and embrace the destined journey you have chosen to embrace and accept and walk upon. Through the light coming forth at this time we also bring forth the higher upgraded vibrations of the 15th Cosmic Ray of Joy. Although Mother Africa and all the continents of your world are under immense stress at the moment, there is also a lot of good happening. Most often when one is addressing any kind of challenging or negative energy it is because one is ready to release oneself from the stronghold this issue has had over you in the past. By grasping the understanding that this timeline is unlike anything you have ever experienced before, you place yourself in the position to assimilate these energies in such a way that you are able to consciously recognize how far you have come and in fact how much good is happening in your life; perhaps it is behind the scenes and subtle and in other instances it may be a very tangible, palpable experience. We are asking our Lightworkers and Lightwarriors now to embrace this higher vibrational 15th Cosmic Ray of Joy and open up to receive the joyful dispensations that come forth at this time as an additional agent of change, facilitating the uprising of the awoken ones as well as the ones awakening and see life from the eyes of joyful perception and experience life from the position of joyful expression. Mother Africa is the central system of energy absorbing the light frequencies that have been designed to support and facilitate the infiltration of light so that it can transform that which has been of the darkest dark into the lightest light. Africa, as a whole, holds an immense amount of anger and resentment for the African people of the African continent, as well as the African people on other continents who have held within their being deep bitterness, resentment and anger, for these people have been severely abused throughout the ages. Slavery has been one of the most debilitating energies the black African people of your world have had to deal with. As a result, within the depths of the core consciousness of the collective culture of the African people, of black people around your world and the continent of Africa, the energies must now be transcended and held within the pods of light which bring forth the joyous gateways of new expression and light infiltration. The cells within Mother Earth’s body holding this resentment and bitterness have opened to receive the light of joy, love, peace, harmony and tranquility. However, this is not fully possible if those who live upon the planet are unwilling to embrace these joyful expressions. In Kuthumi-Agrippa’s address in the 6th part of the series, he was passionate about how important it is to rise above the debilitations of your past, to take action and make the changes. This is also the point where we bring forth a powerful purging-flush energy; purging and flushing from the collective consciousness the victim consciousness related to feeling less than, feeling victim to and feeling like a puppet on a string unable to make any kind of marked change within one’s life. Through your journey of self-reflection, healing and transformation you have matured on many levels and you have come to recognize the importance of taking full responsibility for your journey. You have understood the importance of personal accountability and holding yourself accountable for choices you make or don’t make, actions you take or don’t take and to step into the next realm which is joyful expression, and allow yourself to indulge in the positive energies that have come about as a result of all the hard work you have done and all the energy and time you have invested in rising above the fate of the old world, and your old world included. This is an important shift in awakening people to the knowing that through personal effort change is experienced. Through the acceptance of one’s potential to create positive change, positive change comes into being. You have released many of your victim and poverty consciousness codes and this now must be absorbed into the cellular energies of Mother Africa as a continent. The cellular memory of Mother Africa, as a continent, holds much of this resentment and bitterness we have referred to. And this energy must now be extended to the people of your world and not only the black Africans and black colored skins of your Earth, but to every person on Earth, for many a different color of skin other than black, have also had past experiences as slaves and who have lived life in a black skin. Thus, your own resentments and bitterness’s are what we are currently focusing upon so that you can transform it into a more grounded expression of love, joy, peace and harmony. This resentment and bitterness has come about as a result of a fear of lack, fear of death, fear of pain and suffering. And this is the theme based code that Mother Africa is now ready to release herself from. Excerpt, Mary Magdalene. This is the second last channelling of the series. The final one will be uploaded tomorrow and the details on how to participate in the activation week will be released by the weekend. Visit our FREE CHANNELLINGS section of our website for a variety of FREE teachings and processes in support of Global Healing and positive self-empowerment.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 07:49:31 +0000

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