Africa Selects Three to Head ICC State Parties Assembly - Who do - TopicsExpress


Africa Selects Three to Head ICC State Parties Assembly - Who do you expect to be picked for the job? why? or why not? AFRICA has finally identified candidates to replace outgoing ICCs assembly of state parties President Tiina Intelmann. The three are Botswana Attorney General Attalia Molokomme, Senegal Justice minister Sidiki Kaba and Vandi Minah, Sierra Leones permanent representative to the UN in New York. The names were disclosed to ICCs bureau by Intelmanns deputy ambassador Ken Kanda (Ghana) last month. African states, which form the largest single bloc in membership to the Hague-based court, had in February demanded the seat. All the three candidates stand an equal chance. Molokomme may, however, by disadvantaged by the fact that judge Sanji Monageng, also from Botswana, is the second top-most judicial officer. Monageng is the first vice president of the court. With the term of the current president Sang-Hyun Song ending later this year, judge Monageng is likely to become the boss at the judicial arm until her term expires in March 2015. This leaves the race between the Senegalese and the Sierra Leonean. ICCs chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda is a Gambian. Once one of the three takes over ASP presidency and Monageng the presidency of the court, Africans will be heading all the three arms of the court. The ASP will also vote for the 18 members of the bureau. From Africa, the terms of Gabon, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda are expiring. All the new office holders will take over on December 18 when the 13th session of the ASP takes place. They will hold office and run affairs of the assembly until December 2017. The ICC will also soon hold elections to fill the posts of six judges who are retiring next year. / By: NZAU MUSAU (The Star).
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 04:15:00 +0000

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