African America Last modified on 01/16/2014, 07:25 PM America - TopicsExpress


African America Last modified on 01/16/2014, 07:25 PM America was black long before Christopher Colomb The slave trade is one of the most unjust pages of our history. If so many Africans were deported in America as slaves it was firstly because black Africans lived there already, long before the arrival of Whites. Black people ruled ancient Egypt and first civilized AmericaThey were called Maranes or Marounes, which gave the French term Nègres Marrons. Then instituted the triangular trade, where the slave ships leaving Nantes, Bordeaux and Saint-Malo in Africa to fill their holds of ebony and we called the black slaves. White settlers young continent have used and abused this free labor, exploited and exhausted. The Church of Rome brings its active support. Even worse, and this is there one can talk of conspiracy: the indigenous blacks were treated as the blacks deported from Africa by the slave trade. One of the rare Olmec heads without a helmet. We see the frizzy hair that accredit the thesis of the Negroid type, yet still challenged by some white American archaeologists, who refuse to see Africans, and who prefer to evoke the hypothesis of ... Martian visitors. As a result, the black Americans, yet residents free and fully-fledged of the American land, were assimilated to slaves and treated as such. They are still considered today as descendants of imported slaves. But the slaves from Africa are, for most, dead without progeny. Their rare offspring can not explain alone the current percentage of black population, including in areas that were never involved in the black trade. Pathé Diagne drives the point: American black natives called themselves Mara or Marrounes and not Blacks. The Phoenicians, ancient People of the Sea, do they have a kinship with the Sea Peoples of Black Africa?This is their name, Mara or Maya which named the Mayan people. This is their name, Marana or Marroune, which is the origin of the word marrouns or nigger maroons. I learned at school, in the Mallet and Isaac, that the maroon negroes were escaped slaves who formed pockets of resistance where they lived entrenched. Another modest invention of the Good White. Their fate was that of the Indians, pushed off their land, then slaughtered or herded into reserves. The Marrounes or Maya were Africans, they conquered those lands that were theirs, they have built cities and made PROSPER several advanced civilizations, like that of the Mara / Maya, and that of the Toromagen / Olmecs. As proof, the giant heads of Africans, probably those of deified monarchs, which are the flagship and signature of the Olmec civilization, considered the oldest in the American continent. Olmec headThe African-American civilization is thousands of years prior to the birth of the Greco-Roman civilization, and even prior to Sumer, the supposed cradle of our cultures. It flourished at the end of the first Egypt, that of the Nubian pharaohs, with black skin. In those days Africa was PROSPEROUS and developed, thanks to its American colonies. The Nilo-transatlantic space was then inhabited by the followers of the god Ra or Ro of the Nubo-Egyptians. The Mara-Maya, the Taragen, TOUAREG or Aztek founded on the other side of the Atlantic the culture Mehewa, Toromagen / Olmec or Mara-Maya. These are the same people with ramanic worship who on both sides of the Atlantic have established metropolitan areas with the same names. They built the same Permar or pyramids which are identified as Mbanu, they carved the Colossus of Memnon, Nubo-Egyptian work, and the Olmec giant heads, which are of the same workmanship and refer to a single culture. Comparison between an Olmec head of Mexico and the Great Sphinx of Egypt. One can recognize a similarity of style. There are the African pyramids named Mbanu, Torogale or Teocali on both sides of the Atlantic: in Kulikuli, capital of Jolof of Senegambia, as in Cuilicuili, metropolis of the Mexican Mehewa, but also in Warakas / Warhoh, another metropolis of Jolof, as in Oaxaca / Warakas, another metropolis of the Mexican Mehewa. wrote Pathé Diagne. I can not write here the few thousand pages of his three volumes. Olmec statuette representing a Negroid fetusUsing genetics, onomastics and the study of slaves of the trade, Pathé Diagne has just completed a trilogy scholarly, masterful, which needs to be relayed and amplified by more accessible authors. Already, thanks to his research, we know they lied to us about America and its past. Let us hope that with these new roots, far more noble than those of the slave trade, African American populations find justifiable pride. The Maranes or Mayans belonged to a conquering nation, bold sailors, settlers, builders. Their martial vocation reads enough on the noble features of the Olmec heads. Even if the white racialist state wanted to cloud the issues, it was written that sooner or later justice would be done to them. The election of President Obama participates in this legitimate rehabilitation. If tomorrow the Chinese, in turn, invade America, will they rely on the former owners, the indigenous blacks, to dominate the whites? So true is it that history stutters... Besides, the notion of native on his ancestral land has it still some meaning before globalization, hybridity, mixing of cultures? And the notion of native as first arrival is a nonsense in the face of millions of years of human experience... Countries have been invaded a hundred thousand times by each race in turn. The notion of primary forest denotes the same ridiculous. Primary in the sense of very old, yes. But before that, on this same location, there were seas, sands, shining cities, ash, lava, magma, and other seas... After Black Egypt, there was Black America and proud to be 2
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:46:20 +0000

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