African Education & 10 Survival Tips: What Every Black Parent - TopicsExpress


African Education & 10 Survival Tips: What Every Black Parent Should Know and Practice ~ Diaryofanegress Evolution is not a hierarchy of ‘most developed to least developed’, the illusion that it is comes from a rationalized, European abstraction that only exists in their mind, (and consequently – ours) in order to give a false sense of control and security as their deficiency causes them to see themselves as being apart from nature and not an integrated part of nature. - Bry Black children at school White parents teach their children from birth how to be “leaders”. They teach them the meaning of their whiteness and incidentally, the meaning of your blackness. From that moment on, the building blocks of white supremacy is stabilized and codified. By the time the child is a teenager, he/she is a full blown white supremacist. I hear white parents all the time wondering with feigned innocence, “Where did my child learn that word?! He didn’t hear that from us!” White people, living in a system where they are constantly bombarded with imagery and un-spoken messages of their own superiority, know from a young age that black people are simply “different.” That difference eventually means bad or unsafe or violent or animalistic. That is why black parents must teach their children from birth: How to be counter-racist. How to spot racism in every aspect of life How not to fall into the traps and pitfalls of the system of incarceration How to build strong self-esteem and spiritually fight Demonic forces Here are some counter-racists tips and ideas to protect and teach your children the dangers of white supremacy: 1. Do not allow your black children to have white friends. White children, by nature, will eventually use many forms of micro-aggressions to mock, tease, insult and potentially harm your child. 2. If possible, home-school your children. There are growing numbers of black families that have jumped on the bandwagon of home education. Dr. Baruti, located in Atlanta, GA, is a great source of information on this topic: Homeschooling will provide your children with the safety of a comfortable environment with people that look like her/him. African master-teachers will give your child REAL information on their lineage, who the enemy is and provide them with spiritual well-being. Our ancestors taught our children outside in the blazing sun. It is not African to be locked away in a room and made to memorize fantasies/ mythologies under the guise of “education”. This is the foundation of Stockholm Syndrome. We are the ONLY race of people that allow our enemies to school our children…which is utter madness. 3. Do not allow white children in your home. EVER. This should be obvious but many of us do not understand the dire ramifications of this. One lie and your entire family unit will be turned upside down. 4. Do not allow whites to give your children anything to drink, wear or eat. Teach them about “Stranger Danger” and to never ingest anything from Caucasians. 5. Broken Record: Stop processing your children’s hair! Eurocentric identification is the root cause of black mental illness. 6. Be apart of PTA meetings. Get to know your child’s teacher. If you do not approve, do something! Write letters or speak with the school principal. 7. Never allow your child to associate with other black children whose parents are “asleep.” 8. Never allow your child to watch anything on Tel-lie-vision unless you approve of its context. 9. No white music, books, pictures and dolls should be permitted in your home. 10. Only say positive things about your race around your children. This should be obvious but many of us, in a moment of anger, will utter phrases that will burn into your child’s brain forever.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Aug 2013 20:40:16 +0000

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