African Morning Rant. I just wanted to re-address the issue we - TopicsExpress


African Morning Rant. I just wanted to re-address the issue we posted the other day about miss South Africa winning miss world that revoked a lot of debate. First of all, Congratulations again to her and her supporters in South Africa. Those African who supported her, good for you if you did it with clear mind and not from inferiority complex. What I had problem with though is those who supported her calling fellow Africans racists for disapproval of her representing South Africa and by default Africa as a whole. Lets start from historical facts. African women have been looked at in a less desirable light by the so called western standard of beauty FACT! The general standard of beauty in the west from which the miss world is organized is based on european idea of beauty, not African standard and not Asian. If you look at all the winners, they tend to look more a like. You will not find a japanese, a Vietnamese, a zulu woman, ashanti woman or a woman from southern India. Its fine if miss world was whole european and all, most people here would not care, but I bet if you pick blue eyed blond woman from China or india to represent them and win a miss world there would be an OUTRAGE. There was a young mixed raced Chinese/African girl who tried to compete for China got talent and she got so many hate messages and boos that she had to quit. Couple years ago, the new miss france was mixed french/African and she got bombarded with so much hate she could go anywhere alone, yet these are mixed race girls. African soccer players get booed everyday and have bananas thrown at them in Europe every single day. In American a week doesnt go by without a black man being shot down by cops for no reason. There is a serge of anti Immigration legislations all over Europe meant to curtail the migration of African into Europe, while in Africa its open season for practically anyone but fellow Africans.You get where I am going with this? We people of Africa are not welcome anywhere and if we live anywhere other than africa we have to tore the line keenly because any slip can get you into huge fiasco. Those who were against Miss SA/world are not racists, they are seeing the world as it is and not as they wish it were. Africans(black/brown) are under-represented in the social domain even within Africa. All beauty magazines in SA are filled with white women, former miss world from South Africa was white. You can have a golden heart as mandelas and sing your Uh La La/ Kumbaya/ MamboJambo but thats not the real world. If you are African or South African and wanna know the real world, the real world is like this; If South Africa descended into chaos, civil war today, all white south Africans will get Visas and passport and will be relocated to Canada, australia, new zealand, US, Uk and yo ass will be left to cut each other with machete right here in the rainbow nation. Its just a fact whether you like it or not Dalai lama. Accepting your reality and striving to improve from it is not hate, but what Steve Bantu Biko called Black consciousness. Most white people born in Africa are good people, they strive for better for their families, many are very patriotic too, but FACT remains that if shit goes down, they have plan B and back up plan but you dont whether you live in the moon or in the rainbow nation. White South Africans represent South Africa in cricket, rugby etc and its awesome, but we gotta push more of our heritage. Beauty contest and representative of Any African nation should be African woman whether shes Oromo, Somali, Zulu, Igbo, Ashanti, Himba, Tuareg, Herero. Likewise I would not be all giddy if African woman was picked as the face of Swaden, I would feel cheated a bit and would rather see real swedish woman. I am 6.5 tall, even if I was born in Japan I dont think I would fool myself to think that I represent the face of Japan. Its disingenuous to even think so because even though I could represent Japan in football or basketball or sports, I would not bring myself to think I represent the face of Japan and a 6.5 tall black man. Why are we the only ones who are ready to parade ourselves at the airport half naked dancing to anyone who comes in but when we try to visit them we are received with frowns at the airport? We have chinese population in millions and keep coming but couple thousands in China are treated like shit. We have immigrants from netherlands all over SA making millions from mining but in Holland they cant wait to paint their faces black and mock black people. To gain respect we have to stop being too submissive and start pushing for our interest through various avenues and that includes IMAGES of our women as we see them. To conclude, its not just about the beautiful, intelligent young woman who won, this is bigger than her, there is a bigger picture and thats where we need to focus on. Like I said, even her our Miss world from SA have a plan B if South Africa burns, but you Zulu woman, Xhosa guy, tswana girl have nothing but Africa. Unlike Europeans and Asians, our people can be killed anywhere in Colombia, Panama, America, UK, France, Haiti and we would not give a damn to even offer them our refuge here in Africa because we have our brains scooped out and buried in the sand. We are all smiles when we see people from Europe arriving at our airports but as soon as we see a black face from another African country we feel like throwing up. What I am holding myself from saying is that we are not the brightest crayons in this box called earth Peace my people and love to all black, brown and white people of African continent. #IamAfricanFirst
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 02:24:02 +0000

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