African Potato Zulu name "inkomfe Botanical - TopicsExpress


African Potato Zulu name "inkomfe Botanical classifications Hypoxis rooperi [hypoxidaceae] Properties Rich in sterols and sterolins Anti-inflammatory Uses: Internal The African wild potato is native to South Africa. It is a bitter plant used for a wide variety of conditions including diabetes mellitus, hemorrhage, and prostate problems. Traditional healers have used the African wild potato boiled into tea for its medicinal properties. African wild potato may boost immune function, based on indirect evidence that sterols and sterolins in Hypoxis root have the potential to enhance immunity. Some believe its nutrient values are 50,000 times greater than modern vegetables. Today, sterols and sterolins are still sought after and are preferred immune system boosters. Benign prostate hyperplasia: African wild potato may be a potentially effective treatment option for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Additional study is needed to make a firm recommendation. Boosts the immune system; Through increasing the function of T-cells it balances over-or-under active immune systems Often proven to fight and slow down the growth of certain kinds of cancer Helps body fight illnesses, diseases and allergies Because it boosts the immune system it is also used for HIV patients. Combats “yuppie flu”, alleviates arthritis. Methods Add 20 g of herbs to 500 ml of water bring to boil and allow to simmer for 20 min. Strain, drink warm/cold. Drink one cupful 3 x per day. Store in a cool place. Keep out of reach of children. Safety or precautions DISCLAIMER: These uses have been tested in humans or animals. Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven. Some of these conditions are potentially serious, and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 05:13:35 +0000

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