African economic policies are the best in a way that countries who - TopicsExpress


African economic policies are the best in a way that countries who have adopted them have seen a tremendous growth in their economy. African were suppose to just upgrade and build upon the foundation that was laid by their fore fathers instead of throwing away everything in favor of western education that has created poverty in Africa. There is no way that our enemies can give us anything that will make us wise except teaching us to work for them. Western education does not make Africans wise except making them logical thinkers working and following certain formulas without coming with ideas themselves. All this African academics are just like programmed computers that are functioning in the same way without coming with their own ideas they are always following the western ideas, we cannot come out of poverty by following all those western ideas as they were designed to make us poor and make them rich. AFRICANS WILL NEVER PROSPER BY WESTERN EDUCATION; THEY NEED THEIR OWN EDUCATION WHICH WAS DEVELOPED BY OUR FOREFATHERS. It is very worrying that this education systems is producing very lazy children who think that life is centered around cell phones,computers,playstations and cars.They think farming is old fashion they are very unproductive good for playing and eating,even their government think that when they are taught how to work that is child labour.In schools there was so much practical learning like sewing,cooking,woodwork,gardening,cleaning,agriculture,pottery,making traditional cooking utensils,stone cutting,handcrafts etc.all this wonderful practical learning is no longer existing in our schools because we think that we are now more civilised ,everyone wants to be an actor or a dj.If we continue producing such a lazy generation we will definately have serious problems in the future as everyone will want to do office work or be an actor and if they are not employed they can easly be criminals as they cannot be able to work with their hands they only know that one must be employed. If they only know how to chat using a cell phone or a computer, then who will produce food for us, we need black farmers. It’s a big shame for us black people for not being able to produce our food and think that we will always buy from this Europeans who are farming our land because we are lazy. We need to have a generation that does not think that food comes from a supermarket but comes from the field as it was in the times of our forefathers.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:29:06 +0000

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