Africans Saved White People in the 711 by help bringing the out of - TopicsExpress


Africans Saved White People in the 711 by help bringing the out of the dark ages... Prior to that White People were mostly Illiterate and the Bubonic and Black Plagues had ravaged their population in Europe... The Bubonic and Black plague was causes because of bacteria carried by rats and because Europeans had no knowledge of proper public sanitation and self hygiene... Because they lived where they threw their trash and didnt take baths they started to die off in huge numbers... When the Moorish of northern Africa came into Europe they taught the Europeans how take care of themselves and educate themselves that started the Renaissance Era in Europe... Im pretty sure that if the Moores knew that these same Europeans would take everything that they taught them even their religious system of beliefs and later use it to murder and enslave hundreds of millions of people through time... Europeans make up less than 10% of the world population but have colonized 85% of the world... Their system of white supremacy has infected every culture on the planet... Black and brown people around the world hating and mistreating themselves because those of them that have been in their culture from the beginning of time are all dark skinned they are the worse treated and those of them who are closer to being white are given privilege because of the false notion of white being good and black is bad... White people dont give warning before the exterminate people they just do it and when someone says something about it they can deny it but their is evidence that all through time... The Natives of Tanzania where direct descendants of Africa... They are now extinct (no bloodlines left on earth) because the British mass murdered Every man woman and child on that island... There are records of the same thing happening in North America with remote Native American tribes... African People have lived on earth for 100s of thousands of years with no problems but it wasnt until started allowing white people to come into our lands and so called help us with vacancies to protect us from illnesses that never plagued us before... And all of a sudden African people are the most affected by HIV a virus that is found in monkeys to naturally control their populations but does harm humans in its natural state but through genetic engineering it can effect humans... Black people in America are the bottom of just about every health issue in America... Mainly because of our poor eating habits that we developed during slavery we are predisposed to Diabetes, Heart disease, stroke , hypertension and other circulatory issues than any other race in America.... Black kids are 300x more likely to be diagnosed with autism than white kids because we allow white doctors experiment on our children be trusting them with our children by not asking questions as to what medicine are they injecting us with during pregnancy and when we take our children to the doctor after their born... During and After slavery White Supremacist killed black men at will with no fear of punishment for it... After civil rights laws they start to gravitate to law enforcement, the justice system and politics because in these areas they can still murder, persecute, and enslaves black men without fear of punishment. So who is trying exterminate who? Im pretty sure that if the Moores knew what kind of beast they were unleashing upon the world they would have allowed God to naturally deal with them in Europe those 1300 years ago... But black people dont have to do anything... White Supremacy is not natural... God is natural and a black people are the natural inhabitants of the earth... White Supremacy becomes more and more arrogant because White Supremacy wants to be God and As Time Goes On They Will Start To Believe That They Are God And Then God Will Finish The Job He Started All Those Years ago... Nature always wins and since black is natural to earth we will be here long after God does his work and return the Earth to the natural balance it had before the rise of white supremacy.... As black people we should focus our God given abilities on become independent of White supremacy and its many forms... We should educate ourselves in political science and the art of war as a means to effectively protect ourselves in modern times... We have to build our own economy so that we can gain respect in the world... We have to educate our children about their history so that they can begin to build a sense of self pride so that they can see the value in another black life so they can stop the hatred towards each other and the sensesless murdering of each other and carry themselves with pride and dignity... And finally allow the wretched spirit of the slave master to die and not live any more though the ratchet behavior that we exhibit on a daily.... We need not be concerned with with White Supremacy but we cannot forget about these last 1300 years of history of having to deal them... For when we started to focus our Melaninated energy (God given) on just what we need to build strong vibrant nations again... They will come with money (their God) and smiles asking us to give up our natural God for their God and we dont fall for it this time they will bring War and must be ready.... Their history dictates that this will happen... ASÉ
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 22:08:23 +0000

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