Africans used to easily live to be 100 years and more! Today, - TopicsExpress


Africans used to easily live to be 100 years and more! Today, African Americans are dying three times faster than all other races! There are many people teaching various aspects of proper nutrition. Good nutrition is important because our food gives us the energy to do the things we have to do and want to do with our lives. How does not eating correctly affect us? The first thing that usually comes to mind is some people get fat. Getting fat is only one physical manifestation of a certain type of bad nutrition. Dr. Llaila O. Afrika has carefully studied both the short and long term effects of poor nutrition. This exhaustive analysis can be found in his book African Holistic Health,” originally published in 1993 and revised in 2009, he explains the nutritional destruction of the Black race. The term “nutricide” refers to the nutritional genocide of African people all over the world. We know food has been chemically altered and depleted of nutrients for the past 60 years. With the advent of genetic alterations, we must be more aware of what we eat today than ever before. Consider the reality that, historically, meat was never the main source of nutrition for our people. Our grandparents ate pork and beef, but not with every meal. In addition, the pork and beef they ate was from animals they raised themselves. The animal was healthier; therefore, the meat was healthier. Dr. Afrika advises us not to eat any meat, if we can. He encourages us to take any intermediate steps necessary to begin cleaning our body, mind and spirit of pollutants. It does not matter what you do first to start the healing process. Something must be done and whatever is best or easiest for you is the step you should take. Dr. Afrika gives you several examples of the things you can do to get started but more importantly he tells us why we should clean up our act. Most of us do not know the full ramifications and consequences of the lifestyle we are living and mistakenly enjoying. We all know bad nutrition harms everyone. He highly endorses the “Crossover Diet cookbook” written by Gwen Crawford. In this book, she teaches us how to prepare healthy meals without sacrificing taste. This diet also allows one to cross over gradually to a healthier diet gradually instead of trying to quit junk foods all at once. It is too hard. THE PROBLEMS: First, African Americans are dying 3 times faster than all other cultures. Secondly, African Americans have three times more diabetes, Cancer, Arthritis, high blood pressure, strokes, and heart disease than all other cultures. The perception most African Americans have is they have no history beyond the advent of Caucasians. They feel we only have the history the white man has brought into existence, especially as it relates to health and nutrition. Many see themselves as savages who should be grateful to White people for what they have given us. They are hooked on junk food and do not see the necessity of getting off of it. “WE GOTTA DIE FROM SOMETHING!” They trust their doctors and believe they are getting the best possible advice and treatment. So, when someone suggests they are killing themselves nutritionally, the usual response is “We gotta die from something.” They cannot see the need or urgency in giving up the taste of junk and processed foods. Most are totally oblivious to nutrition and wellness and don’t have a clue how to get started crossing over to the other side (whole foods). Many do not know how sugar is destroying their health and that of their children. THE SOLUTION: Re-educating African Americans on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will drastically reduce health costs by returning African Americans to their former lifespan of 100 years or more. It will also improve their quality of life.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 09:51:56 +0000

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