Afrikan Centred Science. Afrika is For The Afrikan-Not All - TopicsExpress


Afrikan Centred Science. Afrika is For The Afrikan-Not All Humanity Originate In Afrika! The greatest lie of history ever told in this past century is that all humanity originte or evolved in Afrika. Humanity originate in different continent they are in Humanity evolved in different continents they are found in today,other forms of inter breeding,presence and citizenship in one anothers continents is a result of invasions,migrations,conquests and inter-breeding. Beyond that no reason exist. This fact is supported both by religion and the very modern science making all this outrageous claims- both the Eurocentric and the Afrocentric school of thought-of the African origin of all mankind. Each continent contain fossils of its Ancestoral Genus. In Afrika we have the Taung Child Skull,Astrolope thecus Lucy,Astrolopethecus Sediba, Zindjanthropus Boisie,Idaltu/The Afar Man and all the family of the hominid:Homo Eructus,Homo Habilis,Homo Sapiens and the Homo Sapien Sapien. In Europe they have the Neanderthal Man and the Cro- Magnon as the Ancestors of the Alpine,Basque,Latin and the Arayan Race. In Asia they have the Java Man,the Ancestor of the Mongols and all the Asiatic. In North and South America thet have theirs too. The migratory story of this fossils from Afrika cannot be backed,verified and substintiated by solid migratory history and facts. History record how the Afrikan left(Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade) Africa to become the Afrikan Diaspora they have now become. The migratory story therefore is born out of the inadequacy of the same sciences making this false claims-Anthropology,Aerchaelogy,Paleantology and other sciences of genetics and eugenics and as far as the Afrikan Origin theory is concerned: Assumptions. This migratory story is not a historical fact but a social construct,a default and comparative reference based on the oldness of the fossils found in Africa which ante-date all the European,Asian and American Fossils thus assumed the parental stock of all. It is only the Afrikan who originate,evolved and developed in Afrika to the current Homo Sapien he has turned out to be as we know him today. The European originate,evolved and developed in Europe to be the Homo Sapien Sapien that he turned out. The Neanderthal Man and the Cro-Magnon whenever reconstructed scientificly and cyber wise by both the Afrocentric and Eurocentric Scietist does not ressemble the Africa-Proto Bantu-Pygmy-Nilotic and all his various variations of the African as we know them The Afrikan Origin Theory and The Stolen Legacy Theory make outrageous claims laying foundation to the Africanization of everything and in return robbing other nations their origin of their own cultures,religion and languages and thus distorting history. This claims are in the foundation of why Afrikans claim Judaism,Christianity and Islam,to a certain extend Buddhism and Hare Krishna to be of Afrikan Origin inspite of all gapping contradictions to the claim. It rationalize Colonial Cultural Practices. The Whiteman turned White in Europe and the Asian became Asian in Asia due to the conditions found in his land that make him one with his environment and adaptable to it too. Thau Thau Haramanuba
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 17:00:38 +0000

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