After 3 sessions with a client, I got a letter: I can not - TopicsExpress


After 3 sessions with a client, I got a letter: I can not remember time when people did not make me feel very nervous. I have seen psychotherapists since I was very young, but never to be “cured”. I have always been told my “anxiety disorder” was either a genetic defect, or an inherent personality trait, to be “managed.” I have never been quite what I consider a fully functioning person because of this. I would describe myself as a “shut in”, difficult to hold down a job, make friends, or even buy something from the store. This, I have been told, is typical of “moderate” cases, like my own. Apparently there are thousands of people who suffer like that, or worse, for no apparent reason. And it cannot be cured. Only “managed”. When I met Mark for the first session, I had some prejudice, and I was not expecting much to happen. After the last of my three sessions with Mark, I simply no longer fear “others” as foreign or separate beings. It is not that I can manage my symptoms better, or decrease the intensity of the feelings by applying positive self talk or imagery or some rubbish like that. It is simple that the tension and nervousness which I believed defined my character as individual, every day of my life is gone. Just gone. Gone as though it had been a very big misunderstanding, like a belief in the Easter Bunny, perhaps. This is remarkable to me, since I believed myself to be a constitutionally tense and disagreeable person all my life. I believe Root Coaching is the most truly effective healing I have ever experienced. There was an immediate improvement on my ability to control my mind after the first session, and the effects of each session accumulate, as deeper levels of a problem can be cleared off. When the negative emotions regarding a problem “discharge”, that is exactly how it feels. All the tension I used to feel was like a strong electrical charge, and during the session it was allowed to flow out. I am now able to maintain an expanded awareness in situations where the emotional pain would have driven me deep inside my head, only a few weeks ago. It is difficult to describe the experience of a Root session, and I could not compare it to anything I have experienced before. Certainly it is not like a trip to the psychologist. It does not depend on the Root coach telling you something, nor does it depend on you believing any thing you are told. It does not revolve around talking about the problem, theorizing about it, or solving it. It dissolves the problem. The result is a state of pure awareness about the basic nature of the issue, where the emotional charge and mental confusions sustaining the difficulty, simply come off. This state of understanding is direct and does not need to be explained once you have experienced it. I have spent many hours sitting in meditation to achieve a very temporary state half as deep, as what a single Root session brought me to. The effects are stable and continue to unfold themselves in the days and weeks following a session. The immediate relief, as well, is very profound. Root Coaching is excellent. Whatever the difficulty, I would recommend at least one session, as it must be experienced. No explanation or testimonial will do justice. My only regret would be that I was not able to experience this much sooner. It would have been of tremendous benefit to my present self. Mike (Mike allowed me to publish his letter)
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 11:03:22 +0000

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