After 856 votes, 9,000 Facebook likes the Top 25: 1. Organo Gold - TopicsExpress


After 856 votes, 9,000 Facebook likes the Top 25: 1. Organo Gold - Diego Endrizzi (Italy) (16%, 137 Votes) 2. SiteTalk - Urban Turnsek (Slovenia) (14%, 124 Votes) 3. Talk Fusion - Vjacheslav Ushenin (Russia) (14%, 117 Votes) 4. Organo Gold - Ana Cantera (Dominican Republic) (9%, 73 Votes) 5. ViSalus - Charles A. Marion (USA) (8%, 71 Votes) 6. ACN - Asos Harsin (The Netherlands) (6%, 48 Votes) 7. MonaVie - Philip Liang (Australia) (5%, 44 Votes) 8. Shopping Sherlock - Frazer Brookes (United Kingdom) (4%, 31 Votes) 9. Organo Gold - Marisa Honing (The Netherlands) (2%, 16 Votes) 10. Organo Gold - Alexandros Metaxatos (Greece) (1%, 12 Votes) 11. Amway - Theo Galan (Dominican Republic) (1%, 12 Votes) 12. Vemma - Alex Morton (USA) (1%, 12 Votes) 13. Talk Fusion - Marcell Halim (Indonesia) (1%, 11 Votes) 14. Empower Network - (Luca Borreani) Italy (1%, 11 Votes) 15. ACN - Max Knowles (Usa) (1%, 10 Votes) 16. Organo Gold - Casey Nilsen Martin (USA) (1%, 10 Votes) 17. Global Wealth Trade - Maria Ghaderi (Canada) (1%, 9 Votes) 18. Morinda - Jasmin Neuhauser (Germany) (1%, 8 Votes) 19. Vemma - Brad Alkazin (USA) (1%, 7 Votes) 20. ViSalus - Rachel Jackson (USA) (1%, 7 Votes) 21. Empower Network - Sabina Krajnc (Slovenia) (1%, 7 Votes) 22. MonaVie - Danien Feier (Germany) (1%, 6 Votes) 23. MonaVie - Din Puia (India) (1%, 5 Votes) 24. MonaVie - Sarvagya Bharill (India) (0%, 4 Votes) 25. Herbalife - Sindy Cruz (Mexico) (0%, 4 Votes)
Posted on: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 14:04:29 +0000

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