After 9/11 Truth: Moving toward Healing and Justice in 2015 Im - TopicsExpress


After 9/11 Truth: Moving toward Healing and Justice in 2015 Im almost finished with a short book After 9/11 Truth that 1) distills the essence of about a dozen works (such as Anatomy of a Great Deception, Experts Speak Out, Behind the Smoke Curtain, The New Pearl Harbor, Everything that David Griffin has Ever Written, etc.) that show conclusively the official story is false and 2) lays out a system for the reader to individually message requests (mainly emails) to his respected and established denier community, encouraging them to a) look at one of the dozen such truth works and b) publicly declare for a new investigation that can produce indictments. Its time to move toward justice. There are a couple of other bells and whistles that give users of the system (the truth messaging community) tools to track progress toward simple but clear goals. Everyone can do this system, and once it catches on, I believe it will become very quickly the preferred action-plan for growing truth numbers. Its really just a cleanup operation because the actual truth battle has been won decisively... by all the researcher-authors and truth warriors. The last thing we want to do now is spend cycles fine tuning knowledge among the converted. So my leader video for the book and system is here (https://youtube/watch?v=3tVHW7wsQCs) and my funding site for the book (thru January 8) is here: https://pubslush/project/4473. Please check these out and consider becoming a shareholder for 2015. The book and system WILL happen, but we need to build and coordinate the outreach activity fast, which needs about $5K of subscription capital. I do truly envision After 911 Truth to break the million sales barrier.... going away. Cheers. -- bw
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 04:15:58 +0000

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