After Action Report Brenchley 16/11/14 First up ill apologise - TopicsExpress


After Action Report Brenchley 16/11/14 First up ill apologise for my tardiness in getting this report up... all the usual work excuses apply but we all know that a Sunday shoot up is far more important than the weekly work grind so I humbly ask forgiveness! On the plus side the pics went up on the evening of the skirmish so if you missed them then take a look in the gallery on the website and Facebook page. Now, at this point I would generally start to wax lyrical about epic battles and heroic feats of bravery in the face of insurmountable odds but I’m not going to this time. It’s not that none of it happened, it’s just that there was so much of the good stuff that if I put it all down on ‘paper’ I’d probably break the interwebs! So, here’s a very edited highlights package and a rundown of the scores. It was a packed house with a lot of rentals and regulars and they all performed to a stunning level with superb gameplay, tactics and enthusiasm. Everyone got stuck in and we had some fantastic battles with move and counter move playing out as both sides made it a memorable day. If I was forced to pick one defining battle of the day it was the Reds edging towards the Prison in field 2 in the VIP game. Bit-by-bit they gained ground against a very well disciplined Yellow force and got so close to their objective but couldn’t quite make it before the final whistle. The whole day highlighted that one thing works above all others in Airsoft War and that is teamwork. It doesn’t matter what gear you have or how good you may be as an individual, teamwork is the thing that gets it done. The other thing that was highlighted is that when both teams are well organised and work as a team the level of the whole day is raised. Congratulations to all the players for making Sunday such a great day and a belated birthday to Reece for bringing along a great bunch of players. The final scores on the doors were: Wipeout – Both teams had 3 flags raised so 150pts ea. VIP – Yellows secured their VIP for 250pts but the Reds got so close… Sticky Bombs – The Yellows secured 2 bombs for 200pts and the Reds had 2 secured and a 3rd was flung which disabled it although they got it on the container at the end for 250pts. So the day ended with Reds on 400pts and the Yellows on 600pts but both teams deserve a win in my books. We’ll be back at Brenchley for a regular skirmish on Sunday 30th November and whilst Christmas may come but once a year when Santa is in charge, we at Ace have two for you with our first Christmas Special at Brenchley on 14th December which will go with the usual Boom and then a Christmas Missions Special at Pembury on 21st December. As if that wasn’t enough, we’ll have a post-festive skirmish at Brenchley on the 28th December so you don’t have to wait for a chance to use all that new gear the Rudolph is dropping off!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 12:15:00 +0000

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