After Burial Raising the grave - It is that the earth of the - TopicsExpress


After Burial Raising the grave - It is that the earth of the grave be slightly raised, no more than a palms width, so as to be higher than the surrounding ground. This is in order that it be easily distinguishable and not disrespected. In time the raised portion will naturally shrink as the earth settles. Marking the Grave - Placing a stone or something similar, without inscriptions, to identify the location of the grave is also from the Sunnah, the marker will help people later locate the grave in order to bury other family members in the same vicinity. Structures over Graves - The building of any kind of structures over graves is strictly prohibited. [Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.459, #2116] Duaa - On the completion of the burial,it is recommended that those present at the grave-site offer prayers on behalf of the deceased. [authenticated in Saheeh Sunan Abee Daawood, vol.2, p.620, #2758] The prayers of other muslims on behalf of the dead will benefit the dead,by the permission of Allah. The prayer of a muslim for his muslim brother in his absence will be answered. As long as he prays for the good of his brother,there is an angel assigned near his head who says:Amen,and may the same be for you. [Sahih Muslim,vol.4,p.1429,#6590] Fasting - Fasts missed by dead persons may be done on their behalf by their close relatives.The fasts may be from Ramadan or from oaths(nathar). Aishah quoted Allahs Messenger(SAW) as saying ,Whoever died owing fasts,his guardian should fast on his behalf. [Sahih Al-Bukhari,vol.3,p.99,#173 and Sahih Muslim,vol.2,p.556,# 2553] Planting Twigs on Graves - It is not permissable to plant any flowers or twigs on the grave. The placing of wreaths and flowers is a non-muslim ritual. The companions of the Prophet(SAW)and the early generation of muslim scholars did not practice this ritual. It is however, authentically narrated that the Prophet(SAW)did, on one single occasion, stick a palm leaf in a grave. [Sahih Al-Bukhari,vol.2.pp.249-50,# 443 and Sahih Muslim,vol.1,pp.171-2,# 575] Annual Visits to Graves - Visiting graves on the anniversary of a persons death,or at the time of special annual festivals of the deceased is forbidden. Also, setting out on journeys to visit graves was specifically forbidden by the Prophet (SAW). This practice forms the basis of idolatrous pilgrimages in other religions. [Sahih Al-Bukhari,vol.1,p.157,#281,Sahih Muslim,vol.2,p.699,#3218] Recitation of Quraan - There is no basis for the recitation of Quraan in the graveyard. Neither the Faatihah (first chapter) nor any other chapter of the Quraan should be read near the graves. Visiting Non-Muslim Graves - Although participation in the funeral rites of non-muslims is not permitted,muslims are allowed to visit the graves of disbelievers for reflection.However,praying for those who die in a state of disbelief is totally prohibited. Whether you (O Muhammad SAW) ask forgiveness for them (hypocrites) or ask not forgiveness for them … (and even) if you ask seventy times for their forgiveness … Allâh will not forgive them, because they have disbelieved in Allâh and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW). And Allâh guides not those people who are Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to Allâh). [The Noble Quran 9:80] And never (O Muhammad ) pray (funeral prayer) for any of them (hypocrites) who dies, nor stand at his grave. Certainly they disbelieved in Allâh and His Messenger, and died while they were Fâsiqûn (rebellious, - disobedient to Allâh and His Messenger ). [The Noble Quran 9:84] Prophet Muhammad was prevented by Allah from praying for his own mother at her funeral, because she and his father had died as polytheists. [Sahih Muslim,vol.2,p.463,#2130] The Charity Of Children - Parents will benefit from whatever righteous deeds their children do,without decreasing the reward of their childrens good deeds.A righteous child is considered to be part of the parents earnings. [Sunan Abu Dawud, vol.2, p.1002, #3521. Sahih Muslim,vol.3,p.866,#4002 and Sahih Al-Bukhari,vol.2,p.266,#470] Visiting Graves Visiting graves is recommended in Islaam in order to help the living reflect on the shortness of this life and the closeness of the next. [See Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.463, #2131] Women Visiting Graves... The recommendation to visit graves is general and includes women, just as the earlier prohibition included them without any special mention. Furthermore, women share in the benefits of visiting the graves. When the Prophet(SAW)found a woman crying in the graveyard, he did not chase her out of the graveyard, but told her not to cry. Anas ibn Maalik related that once the Prophet (SAW) passed by a woman crying beside a grave and said to her, Fear Allah and be patient. [Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.2, p.208, #372; Sahih Muslim, vol.2, p.439, #2013] After mentioning this hadith under the heading Visiting Graves, Ibn Hajar said: The [scholars] disagreed regarding women [visiting graves]. The majority held that they are included in the general permission for visiting graves [if there is no danger of corruption]. The ruling permitting women to visit graves is supported by hadith. The source of evidence in the hadith is the fact that he(SAW) did not censure the woman for sitting beside the grave, and whatever he approves is proof [of its permissibility]. [Fat-hul-Baaree, vol.4, p.244] However, frequent visitation of graves by women is not permissable. Hassaan ibn Thaabit narrated that allahs Messenger (SAW) cursed women who frequently visit graves. Perhaps the reason for not frequenting the graves is the possible negative results of such visits like: The loss of some of their husbands rights due to their frequent absences from the home, The unnecessary public exposure of women, Increased depression leading to wailing and other forbidden expressions of grief. Speaking about the Deceased InshaAllah, there is punishment to the deceased when you speak ill off them at the time of the funeral. This does not mean that the deceased person hears you speaking ill or well of them. Bukhari 2.449, Narrated Abu Al Aswad, r.a. I came to Medina when an epidemic had broken out. While I was sitting with Umar bin Al-Khattab a funeral procession passed by and the people praised the deceased. Umar said, It has been affirmed to him. And another funeral procession passed by and the people praised the deceased. Umar said, It has been affirmed to him. A third (funeral procession) passed by and the people spoke badly of the deceased. He said, It has been affirmed to him. I (Abu Al-Aswad) asked, O chief of the believers! What has been affirmed? He replied, I said the same as the Prophet had said, that is: if four persons testify the piety of a Muslim, Allah will grant him Paradise. We asked, If three persons testify his piety? He (the Prophet) replied, Even three. Then we asked, If two? He replied, Even two. We did not ask him regarding one witness. Bukhari 2.448, Narrated Anas bin Malik, r.a. A funeral procession passed and the people praised the deceased. The Prophet saaws said, It has been affirmed to him. Then another funeral procession passed and the people spoke badly of the deceased. The Prophet said, It has been affirmed to him. Umar bin Al-Khattab asked (Allahs Apostle (p.b.u.h) ), What has been affirmed? He replied, You praised this, so Paradise has been affirmed to him; and you spoke badly of this, so Hell has been affirmed to him. You people are Allahs witnesses on earth. Quoted in Nayl al-Awtaar,vol.4, pp.134-5 Every innovation is misguidance, even if people consider it to be good.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 06:12:36 +0000

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