After Dennis Edney (Omar Khadr’s lawyer) gave his *amazing* - TopicsExpress


After Dennis Edney (Omar Khadr’s lawyer) gave his *amazing* speech today, my friend and I had the privilege of speaking to him after the lecture was over. We spoke about a few things, one of his biggest concerns seemed to be the lack of commitment and...well....basic consideration from the Muslim community towards our own Muslim brother. How appalling. As he spoke more and more about Omar and his personal experiences with him I began to remember the letter Omar wrote, his interview, interrogation video, photos of him wounded, tortured etc... naturally I suddenly became filled with emotions and tears started streaming from my face at which point Dennis turned to me and was about to hug me but pulled his arms back. He said “I would give you a hug but I’m not allowed to” =’) (side note: even as a non-muslim, he understood men and women don’t hug! Yet our very own muslim boys....subhanAllah sometimes!). Any who, after a few mins my friend asked Dennis for a favour, for him to personally send salaams (on behalf of both of us) to our brother Omar in Canada when he sees him next and to tell him his sisters are thinking of him... My friend started to cry at this point, which made me cry again too (it truly was emotional). Dennis mentioned he was taken aback by mine and my friends reaction towards the situation, his colleague said she was also surprised to see us so passionate about it... What I failed to realise (and still am failing to realise) is why on earth are they shocked? Shouldnt every single Muslim have this reaction when they hear Omar Khadrs name? Isnt that the lowest form of Imaan (hating in your heart)? SubhanAllah, I was gonna say “where are the Muslims?” but I realised we are all here... however we are all too busy with our own lives, too comfortable to care and too lazy to educate ourselves.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 20:27:43 +0000

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