After I had the privilege of sending energies to the light last - TopicsExpress


After I had the privilege of sending energies to the light last night, much happened. I immediately started to astral travel. Interestingly enough, I had the same little being accompanying me on this journey as before. It seemed to take on two different forms as we traveled. When I first became aware of it to my right and slightly ahead of me, it presented itself as a white wispy mist. Once I focused on the mist it changed its form. It became the familiar little being from my last jaunt. It glances back at me, and outstretches its hand to me. I take this to me now, that we are on our way to somewhere that it wants me to see something important. I feel very peaceful and safe in its presence, but also experience a massive sense of anticipation, and curiosity in what I will be shown. As we travel, I see different things. Tunnels, mists, energies of all different sorts, breaks in the tunnels that open into different colors, and skies. Its quite interesting to say the least. We travel very quickly, and everything seems to zoom past me. When we start to slow down in this process, I know this means we are reaching a certain point of destination ahead. I become aware of a break in a tunnel that comes to an opening of a bluish, black, sky. In the distance I can see many lights. They become closer and closer and we descend. Then I feel as if Im slightly suspended in the air above what Im viewing below. I will attempt to recount everything I was witness last night the best way I can. The first place we arrived at, I was shown a large group of people, that looked to be royalty. I was certain one of the people I was seeing was definitely a king. He was at large social gathering. People in attendance were dressed in fine clothes. From my best first guess it looked as if it was taking place in England, a very long, time ago. Powdered wigs were everywhere. It was a ball. People were dancing in the same fashion as I have seen imitated in movies. They were eating, drinking from what looked to be silver or pewter cups. It was a very grand celebration indeed. We spent several minutes there, when suddenly I was being pulled upward and away from this scene. I could see everything below me getting smaller and smaller, as I was lifted upwards. This part always reminds me of what it must be like on a bungee cord. You go down, and bounce back up...but I realize not as quickly as if it were an actual bungee. As we ascend upwards once again, the process resumes. we are traveling again, and my companion once again looks back at me with its arm outstretched to me. I know then, more of it is to come and were not done yet. Im game with that now. Once again, Im moving downwards, and am above another scene. This scene depicts something disturbing, but Im quite immune to these types of scenarios. Its like watching a movie. Im shown royalty again. And men. In uniforms. I instantly know these men are loyal to their King. I also know it is the King of England that they are loyal to. I witness much violence from them to their own people. People that feel are a threat to the King. I see brutal murders, and beheading by swords done by these ones in uniform to unarmed men. There is much turmoil as one would expect that I can feel. I witness this scene for several moments as well, and then feel myself being pulled upwards again. We are still not done. Traveling again...same exact process as before. This time as I see the lights in the distance and become closer to our destination, things are different. It looks as if Im descending to earth. I see the planet. As we get closer, I see land masses, and water become closer and closer. It is Earth. I have seen enough pictures from space to know what Im seeing below. I see North America below, and as we get even closer, I can make out geometric looking patterns in one area from above. It looks to be a grid of some sort. Very symmetrical in look. Its very defined looking, and I realize its like a map. As we continue to descend, my companion looks back at me and nods. Im puzzled. I then hear the thought wave, with the words, Washington D.C. Okay, I thought, Im going home. My companion shakes its head no. Then I hear...New World. Wow, Washington D.C., way back in the day. Too cool for me. It then kicks in that I must have been seeing scenes from the Revolutionary War, moments before. I felt confirmation on this from my escort. We arrive, and a scene unfolds...I see faces of our founding fathers...Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson (those are just the ones I recognized.) Im shown the buildings from the outside, and roads of the town. Not sure why, but paying very close attention to it all. Next I see meetings and interactions of our forefathers. I hear the word, Freemasons. I know that the majority of our forefathers were Freemasons already, so Im not sure where this is leading yet. I find out soon enough. Im shown symbols. Symbols that I relate to Spirituality. Many times, Im shown the image of what I take to be the third eye. Its everywhere. I then realize that our forefathers were not religious per say, but Spiritual , and scientific together. That I didnt know. It validated my always just knowing the two went hand in hand. Freethinkers is the next word that came in. Well, hells, bells....these guys werent much different in their belief from my own. Really? If this is so, then what happened since they were here on Earth? Suddenly, I had a million questions running wild in my head. Things changed somewhere along the way. Why? They had the right idea right out of the gate...what changed, and when did it happen? Thinking those thoughts, I was pulled upwards again. Same process. Arrival at destination. Back to a large group of men. Not totally sure who they were, but got the sense of a large group of politicians. I didnt recognize any of them, but thats not to say that I shouldnt have, I probably should have. I didnt. I am then witness to seeing all these men be in human form for a moment, and then change form. I believe I saw three different types of different species. What they were, I cant say for certain. I was caught off guard. I then heard two more words come through. Control, and greed. Really? Control and greed in the same vicinity as politicians? Who would have thought? Why was I being shown different species of beings, in a different dimension, in relation to certain groups of men that I assumed were politicians? Darn good question. No answer supplied for me. I was left hanging on that one, and I was on the upswing again. This time, I was headed back to bed. Seriously early this morning, questions running wild in my head, I started to look some stuff up. I looked up Ancient Alien segments...found nothing. Went to on Demand and starting surfing for just about anything. I came across a new series. Its a spin off, of Ancient Aliens, called In Search Of Aliens, There I found three episodes posted. Incredibly, one that had aired September 19th (I have only caught one episode as of yet, and it wasnt this one), and it pertained to Washington D.C.. Of course, I watched it and became very excited with its content. I tried to find it on the web, for the series. That episode isnt available for viewing online yet. I was disappointed as this always seems to be the case of something I have seen and want to share to do with these programs. I then went to You tube, and did a search. I only found a small part of the segment I viewed On Demand, but it will give you a good idea of some of the things validated I was shown last night. If your really interested, check it out On Demand. Its a very enlightening episode, and I feel without a doubt it contains some very valuable material. I will post the short portion I found with this post in a moment.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 17:12:42 +0000

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