After a burst pipe 8 weeks ago, we finally got our house re-piped - TopicsExpress


After a burst pipe 8 weeks ago, we finally got our house re-piped on Monday. I got what I consider to be a happy headache in the shower that night (kind of like an ice cream headache) and I cried happy tears. I have such an appreciation for the gift of WATER!!!!! Today, I had an ultrasound. I havent had one since March. I got to know for certain that Avery was doing fine.After months of uncertainty, stressing over insurance, wasted hours on the phone with Medicaid, getting dropped from my physician and living like a refugee in my own home in the midst of (have you seen Elysium? Not that bad but I mean)...that reassurance of seeing his fat cheeks was THEE greatest gift. He is an on-time God, gifting me with that on today. And of course I cried again. It easy to get on facebook and vent. Lord knows I do my share on here. When I tell you there has been one let down and disappointment after another, I would have exhausted my newsfeed with an onslaught of oh why me?, daily. I was struck dumb quite frankly with only the presence of mind to construct vision boards of what I wished it looked like on Pinterest (which was very constructive, cathartic and about to be put to use). Though this post may sound like a vent, it is more of a sweet release and a praise report. Peace of mind has been my greatest gift this week. Im just so grateful. Hopefully within a week or so our floors will be redone, the unsightly drywall patches will be painted over, my furniture will be back in place and I can get back to the business of decorating a nursery, nesting, thinking clearly and making room for more. It has been a difficult couple of months...but God!!! Things could have been worse and I know that. If 35 was any indication, 36 could turn out to be a year of testing, restoration, rebuilding and a sure sign of things getting greater later. It isnt perfect but thank God it aint what was looking like. (Thanks for the wishes, I really do have a lot to be happy about)
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:35:57 +0000

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