After a busy day, and a fun night out with Diana, we came home to - TopicsExpress


After a busy day, and a fun night out with Diana, we came home to a bit of disarray (which included plants overturned, decorations knocked over, Christmas presents on the floor, a basket of holiday dishes dumped out, bits of wood on the floor and window sill, and a couple of things on the wall tilted slightly). After spending 10-15 minutes looking at what appeared to be minor damage, we began thinking that someone broke in, but only turned over a few things and broke a dish. The only thing we have of value that could have easily been taken from the house was still in place. We couldnt figure it out, so we took the dogs out and brought them back in. No reaction from them. I was still confused about what caused this havoc, including the rather severe scratching and destruction of a window frame. But while still puzzling and trying to find out what may have caused such a mess, a squirrel jumped out from behind a box and the rampage began. By this time, the dogs (well, two of them... the younger two, both terriers) were fully aware of the squirrel. We opened a window, and fed the dogs to distract them. I ran the dogs back out to complete their evenings duties. Diana opened the front door, and we put the dogs back into their room (except our oldest dog, Benny, because he had no idea there was anything in the house but himself). And then the fun part started. We searched. We couldnt find it. Anywhere. And then, from the first picture you see, we found him hiding in the corner of the dining room hutch. I tried nudging him toward the open window, but he ended up crossing the dining room into the living room and nestling in one of two or three hiding places. This went on for at least 30 minutes. He runs across the room, hides, we eventually find him and try to guide him toward the door or window. At one point he ran PAST the open door and down the hallway, and then BACK only to find another hiding place. Then we flushed him again and he went on a jump tall bent, which is where you see the second picture (they are lit by flashlight because my phones flash wouldnt fire because the phone was low on battery). Back and forth, several times, despite barriers and nudges. And then the ultimate hiding spot. We searched for at least ten minutes trying to find him... we were pretty certain he had not gone out the door. One spot left to look... and out he pops... heads behind the favorite spot number three, gets flushed again and heads toward the door again... I wait. Patiently. And he turns and bounds out the door. I follow and light his path so he can see (not sure they can see in the dark easily). He bounds away... As he disappears into the darkness, and as I head back into the house, I now realize Im completely exhausted. The terriers are still looking for the squirrel.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 03:34:04 +0000

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