After a little peer pressure, I feel like I need to begin the - TopicsExpress


After a little peer pressure, I feel like I need to begin the unveiling of what God is doing in my heart and in my life. I am so excited to introduce you to The Keahbone Project. I am not introducing it as a publicity stunt. I am introducing it because I need your help. For most of my life I have struggled with obesity. At my heaviest I was near or just over 500 lbs (The scale stopped at 475 and I maxed it out). I currently sit at 374 lbs (a loss of 8 lbs since Sunday!). God has been doing some unique things in my life to get me ready to make another charge in this fight. I had no idea that God would send me an ally in this war. A soldier specifically trained to encourage, rebuke, train, educate, and ultimately seize the victory that Jesus gave to me on The Cross. His name is Cody Bobay. You will meet him in just a moment, via youtube. I need your prayers, your support, your encouragement, and your accountability. I will be doing a daily video blog to chart my progress, what I am learning, and what I am experiencing. Cody will also have a video blog charting his perspective of this battle. We wont see each others video until the end of each day. My heart is to show the real life struggle, defeats, victories, and all that goes into a major life change like this. You can follow these video blogs by following our The Keahbone Project youtube channel. I will also do my best to keep you updated on Facebook. If you are one someone who gets annoyed at weight loss status updates and the like, now would be a good time to unfriend or unsubscribe. Now hurt feelings, I promise (mostly because I wont know ;) ). I also want to invite you to join the challenge. My heart, along with Codys, is to help everyone that struggles like I do. God has blessed me with a network of wonderful friends (5,000 on one Facebook, over 3,000 on another Facebook, over 3,000 on a Facebook fan page, over 4,000 on twitter, and over 2,500 on instagram). I am also blessed to pastor the most amazing church on the planet(I love you CHBC!) as well as travel the country sharing the Gospel. Can you imagine what God can do with this! I can! The lives that He can set free from this bondage?! Thats what I am praying for. Join us! I will post my personal video later on tonight. For now, let me introduce you to Cody Bobay. And let me introduce you to The Keahbone
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 00:59:49 +0000

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