After a long day of standing in lines for photos, autographs and - TopicsExpress


After a long day of standing in lines for photos, autographs and the snack stand (30 minutes only to find out they had run out of sodas, grrr), Matt Smiths panel last night was wonderful. We got into the room early and saw a couple of fan panels beforehand, including one that included Jessica M. Miller, aka Divastitch12, a superfan of Doctor Who who makes cool Doctor Who-themed merchandise including cute little change purses. She had a booth in the dealer hall with Kim Koltzau of Steampunk Cellars, who makes adorable Doctor Who and steampunk jewelry. Check out her Steampunk Cellars Etsy store. Anyway, back to Matt. You could tell that hes the Doctor that kids love as there were lots of kids who had questions for him, and hes so good with kids. He even held a baby who was born on the day of the 50th anniversary special. Every woman in the room fell even more in love with him in that moment. It was also evident how much the show and Matts performance has touched fans lives. Yes, its a TV show, but sometimes thats all it takes to touch a person, a great story performed well that speaks to them. One woman told him that he was the last Doctor she was going to be able to see because she was going blind. After she finished speaking, he had her companion bring her up to the stage, and he hopped off to give her a hug. Later, a young woman told him, through her tears, that hed literally saved her life. Shed been considering suicide when her drama teacher said she should watch a specific episode of Doctor Who (I didnt catch which one), something about that viewing experience gave her the courage to go on. My eyes were filled with tears by the time she was finished. Something interesting that he said was that the people who play the Doctor have a lot of say in their incarnations wardrobe. Stephen Moffett, writer and producer for the show, says that his only requirement is that its something children can easily draw. Think about it -- bow tie, fez, pin-stripe suit, etc. I was farther back for this panel, so this picture isnt great as its of the big screen. Still, Matt Smith with a baby -- cool.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 23:49:09 +0000

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