After a lot of serious thought and fanatical research I have found - TopicsExpress


After a lot of serious thought and fanatical research I have found out that Obama is not even human. Yes, he is an alien shape-shifter. Now most of you will laugh at me, but there is a big chance that he is. There are more of these shape-shifters that have infiltrated our country and many other countries. They can look like us and fit right in. Have you ever had anyone say you sure look like someone I saw last week. You know the famous statement Do you have a brother or twin. That person is probably a shape-shifter that they are talking about. It is believed that a lot of gang bangers are the warriors for these mutant aliens. Aliens are known to be Liberals (Democrats) Folks just be careful and think about who you are voting for. I mean only a Democrat (alien) would follow a political party with a jackass for their logo. So is this starting to make since to you all yet? I thought so.... you can always tell an alien by the way their farts smell, they dont, nor can they smell someone elses farts.. Their fart do not have any smell and thats because they have no true assholes. They do have a place similar to an asshole. Their digestive system is so complex that they do not make turds they pass dust yes, thats right dust my friends. If you are concerned that someone around you is an alien just fart. If they cant smell them then you can be assured that they are not from this planet. Have you ever seen Obama whence at anothers politicians fart or how dusty his shoes are. I rest my case. Just remember you heard it first here on facebook.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:07:42 +0000

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