After a study that has lasted over a year regarding the entity in - TopicsExpress


After a study that has lasted over a year regarding the entity in the Bible which when he first has a title placed on him he is called the LORD in Gen 4:1 I have concluded that he is not God which is in Gen 1. The Bible itself will prove this to anyone who wants to study it for themselves and find it, the only people that call him God throughout the entire Bible is either himself or other men. The Bible itself never comes out and makes the claim that he is God. When and if anyone does this study they will find that not only is the LORD not God there is also more than one Jesus spoken of in the Bible but until you find that the LORD is not God you are not able to see the other and vice has been a very awesome study and it has also relieved a lot of fear and guilt and other problems that I always carried in my life due to the things that the LORD taught. The biggest thing it taught me was instead of hating my enemies or the ones that do not think like me is not the way to live yet I am supposed to treat everyone as equals and love them. I encourage anyone that has the time to do this study and find out for yourself and quit believing what men has told you either in the Bible or out of the Bible. If the Bible tells you that someone says something then realize there is a reason that it does that. It does not start out with "In the Beginning God said, "I created the heaven and the earth"! There are three major entities brought up in the Bible within the first four chapters of the Bible and regardless of what language you read this in it is the same thing. Almost everyone I have ever met claims that these three are the same being although they have drastically different characteristics. I feel that if one is going to believe the Bible they must believe the Bible no matter what other people say. If there are three different main entities brought up within the first four chapters and the only ones that claims that there is only one God throughout the rest of the Bible then why are we believing that one entity? The LORD is the only one who claims that he is the only God except for three other times which are spoken by men in the Bible or other men not in the Bible. So my conclusion regarding the LORD aka Jehovah aka I AM aka the God of Israel aka God Almighty aka (many other names he calls himself in the BIble) is not the same as the God in Genesis 1 nor is he the God that the true Jesus calls Father in Matthew 5,6,7. Ye shall know them by their fruits and not by their title or their names. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2:4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens, 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 03:11:20 +0000

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