After a very mixed bag of holiday movies followed by the landfill - TopicsExpress


After a very mixed bag of holiday movies followed by the landfill known as January where studios try to bury their refuse they have been sitting on all year I for some reason felt it necessary to write a very brief, amateurish review of the movies Ive seen. So in no particular order: Automata Rotten Tomatoes Score 31 %. (WATCH THIS ONE) One of my favorite movies of the year, its a low budget slow burn Sci-fi movies with sub par acting, a great sci-fi story line and really well done visual aesthetic. Interstellar Rotten Tomatoes Score 72 % (WATCH THIS ONE) This was the years big budget sci-fi movie, this really is a good movie that was almost great, the dust bowl allegory for a dystopian future is really well done. The movie does degrade past the half way point with some very over done temporal contradictions Vice Rotten Tomatoes Score 0% (SKIP) (yes its an honest to goodness 0%), this is a horrible sci-fi movie it squeezes the life out of what was left from the previous Bruce Willis outing ( Surrogates) This is a watch only if your into cliche, horrible sci-fi. (therefore I thoroughly enjoyed it) the imitation game Rotten Tomatoes Score 90% (WATCH THIS ONE) Based on the life of Alan Turing, this one was slow but engaging, they of course has to play up the oblivious anti social genius card to the degree of pure nausea, but other wise a solid film. a most violent year Rotten Tomatoes Score 91% (WATCH THIS ONE) This movie was kind of a sleeper, the title implies that its another crappy action driven crime film, but this movie is far from that. It is well acted, and has the feel of a lower budget, somewhat less substantial godfather spin off. Overall a good film. john wick Rotten Tomatoes Score 83% (SKIP) Im not sure why people like this movie so much, I love Keanu Reaves over acting in these sorts of films, but this one was kind of a let down. the simple set up is nice, the tag line should have been they killed his dog, now they must pay , if does have its moments, but if you want to see Keanu over act in a laughable fashion, bad lieutenant, port of call New Orleans is far better. American Sniper Rotten Tomatoes Score 73% (SKIP I know this is going to win a few awards this year, but I hated this movie, its supposed to blend the over the top hero war movie with the gritty consequences of war genre, but it really shakes out as a feel good, american hero dreck film, with a 2 minute dusting of PTSD, mental casualty of war element just tacked on in the most disingenuous fashion at the end. Gone Girl Rotten Tomatoes Score 88% (WATCH THIS ONE) A crime mystery you can convince your wife to watch, this movie checked all the boxes for a murder mystery with the initial plot twist, followed by successive twists that keep you questioning who done it and who the horrible person in the story actually is. Tusk Rotten Tomatoes Score 39% A non viewaskewniverse movie by Kevin Smith, this is a fun movie, but only watch it if your into the campy, twisted genre. Bascially its a cross between human centipede, and pick your choice of overly wordy dialog kevin smith movie. Definitely a fun watch if you love the genre you owe it to yourself to go FULL WALRUS the interview Rotten Tomatoes Score 52% (SKIP) Pass on this one, unless you really feel like you need to watch Pineapple express version 1.5, very few comedic moments, this movie proves a controversy does not a good movie make the judge Rotten Tomatoes Score 47% This is another slow burn mystery that was overlooked by the majority of critics. This movie is worth the watch. planet of the apes Rotten Tomatoes Score 90% (WATCH THIS ONE) better than most of the big budget sci-fi flicks this one is worth watching, and is worth firing up the full home theater system, cranking the subwoofer up etc. rage Rotten Tomatoes Score 14% (SKIP) YES this is the THIRD crappy Nicolaus Cage movie of the year, as you can see my year in film watching was quite CAGEY, this is a clone of the taken movies, but it does have a unforeseen twist at the end that humanizes everyone at the end, but overall its pretty bad. I tried to watch every Nic cage movie that came out this year.. and there were many but I refused to watch left behind, I did watch dying of the light, but it wasnt note worthy,
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:27:01 +0000

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