After about an hour I called back and Austin answer the phone - TopicsExpress


After about an hour I called back and Austin answer the phone again. He answered the phone and I told him that I was on the way and needed to talk to mom. He put his mom on the phone and she told me that when the phone rang again and Austin saw that it was me calling he made a big sigh like I was getting on his nerves. So I picked Brenda up and we went out to eat and Austin was then taken to the nurses station to hang out with Ron. So after we ate and Brenda and I were headed back to St. Davids, I called Austin again and when he answered the phone all he said was pick me up so I told him that we would be right there and that I would have his ice cream. When we got back to the hospital Austin was sitting there with Ron and so I gave him the bomb pop and he took it from me and ate it like he had never eaten a bomb pop before. And then he had a tray of food with a chop steak with gravy, mashed potatoes, and fresh broccoli. He ate every bite of food on his plate. Ron came to check on him because he still has the feeding tube in his stomach and he has to eat at least half of his plate at each meal or they will not take the feeding tube out. This morning he had scrambled eggs sausage and pancakes. He cleaned his plate then as well along with his apple juice. When Ron came in he said well it looks like Austin ate everything again including his ice cream. Brenda said that Austin had a really good day in therapy. She said you worked really hard and he did better on the treadmill and he did better using his right arm too. He and Brenda have been playing 21 with a deck of cards that were left here by his RYLA brothers and sisters. Right now Austin is playing the game Simon with the colors that you have to press as they light up and he is kicking butt at Simon just like he kicked butt when he was playing 21 with brenda. Last night before I left he was making up math equations like negative times a negative and he would answer himself and after that the result was a positive number. Then he would make up another equation with a negative number times a positive number and get the answer correct and state that it was a because a negative times a positive equals a negative and a positive times a positive equals a positive and a negative times a negative equal a positive. He seems to be making more and more connections and his cognitive ability is improving every day. All of Austins therapist and his doctor are quite amazed at the progress he has made and how fast he has made great progress. Brenda and I both know that Austins progress is due to his hard work and the many many prayers that his friends, that our friends, and that our family has prayed to help Austin get better. We know that there are even people that dont know Austin or Brenda are they that are offering up prayers for Boston we know that Austin is on prayer list from Silsbee, Houston, Corpus Christi, Huntsville, and from Georgetown and many of the local churches in Georgetown. We know that Austin recovery his days to the overwhelming support that Austin and Brenda and I have received and the prayers from each and everyone of you. Again we want to thank you for all of your continued support in the way of financial contributions meal and mainly your prayers and thoughts and keeping Austin in your prayers and thoughts and helping Brenda and I to Keep Austin Strong.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 00:03:57 +0000

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