After boarding the train I set my language conveniently I with my - TopicsExpress


After boarding the train I set my language conveniently I with my son took a deep breath that now we are settled in this train for a long journey , in the mean time I gave a glance to the couple who was sitting just opposite my seat, a young couple, I think with a 8 to 9 years of marriage, with their appearance they both seems as non-interfere type so couple, I said here so that before starting a journey it is must to have a cool company with whom at least you can talk to pass your long time to make our journey a pleasant experience otherwise you only have to bear with the time with a tape on your mouth. As I was having a middle berth and was thinking who will be our next journey mates because if some cranky persons arrives then again a problem, but my journey was smooth till Manmad and in the mean time I have shared quite a good pleasantries with the couple seated opposite me. As the Train arrived in Manmad a old couple entered in our compartment, husband must be not less the 77 or 78 and wife also must be touching 75, both are old but very nicely managing themselves, in comparison to husband but the toll of heath problem seem heavy with the wife. They both sat before me both were panting but after taking some rest they set their language and game me a warm smile which I also exchange. As the train started Husband took out a glass, filled it with water and added two spoon full of glucose and gave his wife to drink and asked her very lovingly that whether she wanted to lie so that he prepare abed for her but she declined by saying that right now she wanted to sit. In the mean time our conversation started and they told me that they were returning after paying a visit to Babaji(Shirdi Sai Baba) I also started inquired about their home and journey and as our journey proceed our proximity with them also proceeded , now it was a group of we six people who were enjoying with themselves. Then I suddenly asked that how old is their married life, on this they both smiled and told us that they have completed 52 years of marriage, but the ,most strange thing was that when they told me that husband’s face shine with a certain kind of pride and on wife’s wrinkled face i could see a sweet shy and coyness. In this modern age where divorce is the talk of today world and couple choose to apart their part on the drop of the hat and here I am finding a couple with 52 years of togetherness and still enjoying each other existence. Though to find such couple just 10 to 15 years back was not a rarity but now I think as the time passes I am finding it A rarity or I can say they both made me remember my own in-laws who have also completed togetherness of around 55 years, what is most strange about these couple are that they still nag each other but that nagging was so deeply wet in the emotions that the essence of nagging just disappear only the love drops from those words, might be because the time has bound them so much that their existence dissolve with each other. Seeing their love and care for each other I teased Aunty as with the passing of time our relationship established to be called to her as Aunty. I said; Aunty uncle still takes care of you, you are very very lucky’’ Aunty ; No, he is just showing to you all, otherwise ,O leave it Auncle; Arre , why are you upset ? Aunty ; No, I am not . Aunty; I usually do my all work but of course as i am out and I get tired easily so uncle took care of me . Me; so Aunty you agree that Uncle took care of you Aunty; (Only a sweet shy smile) Me; how was your trip to Shirdi? Uncle; It was good but too much professionalism has come I have to search a lot to find a nice reasonable and affordable place Aunty; You are fool that is why you are running here and there (Looking in to my eyes she said) I went to a government Lodge and said that we are senior citizen and you have to arrange a place for us in this lodge . I know these people they avoid us because they thought that they have to give us the place on reduced prize, but I said We will give money and you can charge of a normal couple, on hearing this he said that I can provide a place for 500/- for full day I said OK yes and by the time your uncle came after searching 10 or 11 hotel and coming with a offer for a room for 500 that to only for 4 hours, I said your room is ready. You know your uncle is lazy , he is roaming around and still could not search a room and i managed it without going any where. Me; (looking at uncle ) Uncle, Aunty is smart. Uncle; I know . Me; Why you have taken a decision to travel all alone from Kanpur to this place with out any young company ? Aunty; why for we are capable Uncle; we both are sufficient to take care of each other and why to disturb other, my both sons are working, and it is my personal duty to fulfill my wife wish to make her visit to Shirdi, so we both came and after taking Darsan we are going home and above all we are both enjoying our this alone journey. Slowly and slowly our diversion of talks took turn and in this turn I came to know that though they are living in joint family with two sons and their respective families but Aunty still cook food for Uncle as he liked only her hand cooked food and that wish of Uncle has been taken very religiously by Aunty and I think that was the secret of their health and many more incidents came in to light so that I could guess that how much they do care for each other. In this world where the atmosphere is filled with young love stories which is more or less a passing phase of now-a-days life but that couple was sitting before me as a live long strong love story who have induced their identity with each other and still enjoying their time and their life with each other. For me it sounded like a Timeless Love Story. Here I would like to mention one thing more though a young couple was also there but hardly with any impact perhaps that is why it is said old is gold or the old wine produced more high .
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 19:10:33 +0000

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