After coming home from work to put my feet up, I realize quickly - TopicsExpress


After coming home from work to put my feet up, I realize quickly that no matter how tired I may be and even though Jen had taken care of the evening feeding ... I had to have my faces of love to end my day. I just missed them. I gathered some snacks and headed inside the pasture. Every face came to say hello and have a its share of pears from our trees. I still have to bite Dashers fruit into small bites and as I was doing that the crowd closed in quickly wanting their turn. Once when I dropped a morsel on the ground I reached inside to pick it up and Study got a little excited and thought I was handing him a bite. Before I knew it he had sank two of his teeth into my arm and jumped back once he realized what he had done. It didnt really hurt that badly but, he did draw blood. I brushed the hair back from Studys eyes and told him it was alright as I knew he didnt mean me any harm. I gave him the treat he was after and and began my round with munchies again. I noticed Rumour in the distance and remembered how she could care less for pears and told Jen she would probably enjoy some of the peppermint horse treats. I continued to feed the gang and remind Maggie and Jackson that ear pinning wasnt allowed nor necessary. I heard Jens voice from the pasture telling me how Rumours hair was getting dreadlocks again and as I looked over to where they stood I could see what a hot mess Dashers hair was as well. I walked down a halter and brought mother and son to the yard. With a little extra feed mama was happy to stand for a de-tangling process and gave in to beauty make-over time. I worked out the knots, conditioned her hair and went straight to a thinning process and took off some of the length. It all worked out pretty well and in the end, she could see better, she smelled better and we could appreciate the beauty of her face again. Now, Dasher on the other hand is much like all little boys. He does not believe in brushing his hair and protest by running away when it comes to spraying sweet smelling girly things on his mane. I didnt have the energy to talk him though it so I got another halter and had him stand tied at the wagon wheel. I stood back and looked at our handsome baby boy and remembered a day when there was no halter here that fit his tiny head ... yet here he stood before his nana looking much more like a little man. Once I trimmed the hair from his eyes and his mane all combed out he turned to look at me with his neck arched. Call me bios but, he was the most handsome colt I ever saw standing before me. My love will always grow with this boy and Ill forever be grateful for heaven allowing him to be here with us still. Finally I was starving and all babies were inside the pasture except for Dasher. The fire was burning in the pit and the boys had our hot dog sticks ready to make a quick and painless dinner ;) The picnic table was set and as I opened the gate to let Dasher inside ... Jackson saw me in a weak moment of removing a halter. He took full advantage of escaping to the yard and making a mad dash to the open bag of treats. I allowed him to grab a few before I closed the bag but, as I walked him back towards to gate he also grabbed my hot dog bun. With his mouth packed full I opened the gate again and Jackson ducked his head and returned to the table of yummies. This annoyed Gus Gus as he could see he was missing out on something and he became tangled in the bottom wire of the fence while stomping his foot in protest. I again put the rope around my runaway and reached down to untangle Gus and as I stood upright again I saw that Jackson had helped himself to another bun as laughter broke out in the yard. I gave Gus one more treat and and removed the food vacuum away from the table. Eventually everyone was corralled and I had my dinner on a stick for lack of a bun. The sky grew darker and the fire became brighter. The night sounds filled the air with a peaceful noise of sing song of crickets, the snorting of horses and the crackling of fire. I stared off into the distance of my heaven. I could hear the boys familiar laughter from inside the house and smiled at knowing they were up to no good and remembered what it was like to be a child. The burning logs sizzled as sap dripped on top of the hot coals. On a night like this I could sleep in my yard and cuddle up with my herd as Gus stands ever watchful over us all. Finally though, I had to say good night to the full moon and make my way inside to corral my two legged babies to bed. After another hour of silliness, more laughter, kittens on my neck as I type and snoring dogs on my lap, its time to close another day with a warm bath and my soft bed. I look back on the days events and smile for it all but, the evening time is best when I am home, in my earthy heaven. There is no place in this world I could find more love and sense of belonging. Thank you God
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 03:02:30 +0000

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