After defeating MDC in the 2005 parliamentary elections with a - TopicsExpress


After defeating MDC in the 2005 parliamentary elections with a landslide, succession politics refused to die. Those who had been silenced by Joyces elevation to VP restrategised and worked to regain the Presidents favour. Its strange why Zanu Pf always sabotages itself after elections, in this case Murambatsvina and its acceptance to go for elections in 2008 with divisions was stupid. Jabulani Sibandas organised million men march gave Zanu pf the confidence but it soon found itself humbled by the MDC. The MDC took up a parliamentary victory though short of two-thirds was a very serious setback for Zanu PF. There is a belief that the Presidential ballot was tampered with to necessitate a run-off (re-run) which was supposed to be held within 21 days. The President knew what a run-off in 21 days would do. He would lose by a bigger margin. So he delayed the polls and unleashed violence countrywide and even the State machinery was turned against the citizenry to create fear and uncertainty leading to Morgans withdrawal from the bloody elections. There is something fascinating about the 27 June results which shows Zimbabweans are more courageous than they are given credit for. President Robert Mugabe got LESS VOTES than he had on 29 March. Voter turnout was so low that ZEC had to collate figures in provincial terms than constituency-wise. There was also a deliberate spoiling of ballot papers and some were actually written insults like mh*ta (ask those vakaverenga, they tell you). So even when Zanu Pf declared victory and showed a brave face, they knew they did not have the numbers and engaged in talks with lesser confidence. The Mdc as stupid as they are allowed themselves to be bundled into govt as a weaker partner. While the MDC were enjoying power Zanu Pf was busy preparing for the next elections which they wanted to win by hook or crook. Just after the bloody elections, Zanu Pf was at its weakest again! I remember branch leaders complaining that the grassroots were refusing to denounce Tsvangirai saying the Mdc and Zpf were now one! Zanu Pf soon educated its structures that there was no such unity and rather energy was to be put into defeating the relaxed MDC. Ndoopakatanga State media to fight Tsvangirai and refer to Bob as Head of State and chakuti to show who was in charge. Bob then pulled the python act on Tsvangirai by charming him, kutomuvakira mansion then tell him uripopular and I want to give up power utonge but I am not in control of Zpf, I need your help! Morgan as stupid as he is got fooled and lost elections. But there is another fascinating thing. Morgan got almost the same number of votes he got in March 2008. Bob got a million more and up to now I am not sure where they came from! There was no national celebration , people were shocked. This was a death sentence for Morgans political career. Enter Joyce! She is the sort of leader needed, hondo akarwa, she is in Zanu Pf and haatengese nyika. She is a unifier akudiwa both sides. Lets be honest, Zanu Pf cant go it alone. We need common purpose and I am happy Morgan has been reduced, he wasnt a good leader. Joyce can restore confidence by winning a free and fair poll accepted by the world.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 07:42:22 +0000

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