After elect CONGRESS GOVERNMENT, we people of INDIA are - TopicsExpress


After elect CONGRESS GOVERNMENT, we people of INDIA are responsible for death of all our dear JAWAN of our ARMY. Innumerable jawans have been sacrificed by us to cover up our impotency which we give a beautiful jargon – diplomacy. First we created an artificial monster called Pakistan by deliberately partitioning the India which has been our nation historically and geographically ever since the earth has been the way it is today. In process, we welcomed a mass carnage that is supposed to be among the largest carnages ever in world history. Only attacks of Akbar on Chittor, Ghazni in Delhi and a few more are comparable to this carnage of Hindus and Sikhs in name of religion. Then one leader among us took a fast unto death to gift these robbers 55 crore rupees. When there was attack from enemy, our own leadership made life of our jawans miserable. The result was creation of Kashmir problem that has killed countless jawans since then to protect our impotency aka diplomacy. Several times the enemy has attempted to encroach our territory. Each time our army taught them a befitting lesson. Many an Abdul Hamids and Karam Singhs and Shekhawats happily gave their lives to protect the Bharat Mata. And each time we shamelessly lost the war that our army won for us! In each war, we eventually gave away the territory that was rightfully ours. We then went ahead to promote diplomatic ties. The shamelessness reached a pinnacle during the Kargil war when the enemy once again infiltrated across the LOC. And we agreed to have hundreds of our jawans killed and injured to defend the weird diplomacy of not transgressing the LOC. We agreed to offer our jawans as guinea-pigs than simply surround the enemy from all sides without bothering about the Line of Control. After all, if we indeed take the LOC so seriously, even after the infiltration by the very enemy whom we are fighting, then why don’t we redraw the maps used in country to depict LOC rather than actual Kashmir border? The fact is that LOC is a temporary arrangement on condition that no one will breach it to maintain peace. But once the enemy has breached it, there is no more any sanctity of the LOC left. One sided restraint at expense of lives of our own protectors is called cowardice. So shameless was our cowardice that we forgot very soon how Saurabh Kalia was not merely killed by Pakistani butchers aka army, but slowly mutilated to death. The way they enjoyed cutting various organs of Saurabh Kalia was literally as per certain radical Islam books which describe in detail how idol-worshippers will be cut to pieces in Hell. But we love our diplomacy. So we were soon back to our bus diplomacy. We started Aman ki Asha and cricket diplomacy as well. We invited their musicians and singers and actors to work illegally in India, as if India is devoid of all talents and only legends across the border can fill the vacancies. We agreed that sports and music should be seen separate from politics. So suddenly murder of our jawans was politics. The Kargil attack was politics. 26/11 was politics. All these bomb blasts happening around the country and linked to ISI and terrorists across the border was politics. Even the fact that Osama bin Laden was resting near Islamabad when finally killed, was also politics. Dirty politics. And as good citizens, we should not stop playing with our neighbours just because they throw bombs on us and kill our family members. Since childhood, all I knew was that we play music or sports or dance or sing only with friends. We share our emotions only with friends. But perhaps I was wrong. In fact, father of rape victim should go and sing songs and dance with her rapists for Aman ki Asha! After all he would be doing ‘dirty politics’ if he refused to play or dance with the enemies! So we resumed the one-way transfer of liabilities. Pakistan continued to kill and terrorise us. And we continued to feed their people and talents at expense of our own. And as if the 26/11 was not enough, the threatening speech of Pakistan Interior Minister was not enough, that we heartily gave visa to Javed Miandad – whose son is married to daughter of the Most Wanted Terrorist in India – Dawood Ibrahim! After all we were in midst of a cricket diplomacy! And though this is no more a surprise with our enemy neighbours today they once again infiltrated Indian domain without any provocation, and brutally murdered our jawans. Once again they took divine enjoyment in torturing our soldiers to death. There is a strong similarity in the description of tortures for idol-worshippers in certain texts of radical Muslims, the way Captain Saurabh Kalia was mutilated, the way Mohammad Afroz took out intestines of gang-rape victim in Delhi and the way the two jawans – Lance Naik Hemraj and Sudhakar Singh – were tortured to death. And all this coming in backdrop of the threatening speech of Akbaruddin Owaisi smells of rise of militant Islam in India that has been ruining entire world. Not long ago, our brothers from North East were threatened across India. Then they were murdered in their homeland by Bangladeshi infiltrators. And the elder brother of Akbaruddin Owaisi, Asauddin threatened in Parliament that radical Islam will rise again. And then within 3 days, Mumbai burned under riots by radical Islamic forces. During the same time at least 24 anti-India TV channels were being broadcasted in India and some continue to be telecasted despite a ban. Preachers like Zakir Naik became more direct in insulting religious beliefs of the majority. It seems that Asauddin was correct. A very planned and organized form of radical Islam is on uprise targeting India from within and outside. All these events seem to indicate that India is gradually coming under siege. The same forces that form the complete list of Most Wanted Terrorists of all civilised countries of the world (including Pakistan) are now tightening noose around India like never before. And they are being nurtured not merely by a fake sense of insecurity and injustice, but by a systematic brainwashing against idol-worshippers as worst creatures of the world. They are being taught that religion means enjoying to torture the polytheists. Hence, the crimes are committed not out of momentary rage or fear, but in a cold-blooded calculated manner. The perpetrators seem to be enjoying the torture of their victim and gruesomeness as witnessed in all these cases. Thus it indicates a very deeply embedded nurture of hatred that may take generations to combat. Let us not misconstrue this radical Islam to do anything with the Islam that is followed by majority. It is just that due to historical, political and geographical reasons, this radicalization finds a safe haven in Muslim world. The definition of polytheist changes from country to country and time to time. In India, Hindus are the worst of creatures for radicals. In Pakistan, even Sufis and Ahmadiyas are not to be spared. During Muharram, the same radicalization leads to riots between Shias and Sunnis. It leads Zakir Naik to announce that all who worship dargahs are Kafirs. It does not stop there. These radicals take pride in destroying even the grave of their Prophet. Thus, this evil radical Islam must not be associated with any civilized community or religion. It has no justification and is not even a reactionary force to any atrocity that ever happened. It is simply a sinister political supremacy game-plan that considers Arab as center of the world and legitimizes all means to achieve that dominance. What is most ironical and shameful in case of India is that the political parties and leaders love their vote-bank more than they love their motherland. Thus they would soft-pedal on this issue of rise of radicalism. By linking any such act with some vague mythical Hindu fundamentalism, they are spreading this hatred among Muslim population at large. They are victimizing the peaceful Muslims who have to face the brunt of misdeeds of these radicals. And our jawans have to continue dying gruesome deaths to protect our impotency aka diplomacy. If indeed some shame is left, India must stop being disrespectful to sacrifices of our brave jawans. Let us stop all this crap of Aman ki Asha and Cricket ties and Musical ties and cultural ties. India has enough talent within itself that it needs no import of talent from across the border. And you don’t make fun with enemies who continue to kill you and are not even remorseful of that. Let Pakistan first mend its ways and apologize for its crimes. And since Pakistan is never in mood to do so, orders must be given to Indian army to avenge the death of its jawans. Now that the sanctity of LOC has been once again broken by enemy, we should do exactly the same thing that USA did upon Afghanistan after the 911. Let us send a clear message, “Don’t mess with me.” India never attacks. But if attacked, it does not even spare. Let us be responsible for all the jawans we recruit and even for the common man who fears a bomb blast every now and then. Let us start calling spade a spade. Let us admit the fact that almost all terrorists are hiding under name and banner of Islam. So let us work with liberal Muslim forces to ruthlessly weed out these terrorists from within India who are being nurtured by petro-dollars from Arab and Pakistan. Let people like Asauddin and Akbaruddin who threaten the majority be dealt with iron hand by throwing them in jail. The politicians should start celebrating Abdul Hamids and Ashfaqs to gather votes of nationalist Muslims instead of tolerating terrorists. And if our government and political parties refuse to show this potency, then the public must take things in their own hands. Just as it did not tolerate victimization of women in capital, it should not tolerate terrorization of politics and murder of our jawans. If that does not happen, Agniveer’s shame would have no bounds. It would not even be able to gather courage to say Vande Mataram and Jai Hind when it knows that we, the people, are being the greatest culprits of our jawans who not merely say Vande Mataram and Jai Hind, but live and die for that. But no, Agniveer will never shy away from Vande Mataram and Jai Hind. Agniveer undertakes a vow to do whatever it can to maintain the sanctity of these divine Mantras through worthwhile actions. We shall explore all means and methods that lead us to our goal – a proactive self-respecting Bharat that holds itself accountable for each drop of blood of its jawans. We hope we are joined with lots of Agniveers across all sections of society. But regardless of that, we are committed to redeem the sacrifices of Abdul Hamid, Saurabh Kalia, Lance Naik Hemraj, Sudhakar Singh and thousands others that is a debt over our existence. This defines the only way that Agniveer can live without dying out of shame.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 11:46:35 +0000

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