After five nights that I had nightmares, my nightmares finished - TopicsExpress


After five nights that I had nightmares, my nightmares finished the last night by seeing a very very beautiful dream of myself accompagné with Mohammad Reza Foroutan, while we were speaking and drinking tea and cakes on the green wooden table in terrasse of the ancient house of Shemiran, after a long day of working in film Shabe Yalda, He had to play his role for very very emotional scènes, in which he burst into cry really at last while the music began to play and he was singing this song that you can hear it in this link, Oh, Mohammad Reza ! How much I miss you.... how much I miss your hands, your velvet voice, your blue eyes.... your blue smiles and blue crying, I can remember him cleary in the scene in which the investigation police comes to Mohammed Rezas house while Mohammad Reza was dancing and whirling in middle of room, decorated for a birthday party, but he is crying while he is dancing because he has lost his little daughter few days ago and he is celebrating this fake party to feel his daughter near himself, So, when the police comes, Mohammad Reza lost his control and shouts to the police: What other thing do you want me to lose? I have nothing and nothing anymore ! I know that music is forbidden ! Dance is forbidden ! Smiling is forbidden ! To be happy is forbidden ! Love is forbidden ! Drinking is forbidden ! Women without headcover is forbidden ! Women with open hair is forbidden ! Men with short trousers are forbidden! I know it I know ! Here is no woman without headcover ! Here I have no woman with trousers or skirt ! Here I have no woman with open hair ! Here is no woman without chador ! Here is no man with T-shirt and short trousers ! I have no musical instrument ! Music instruments are forbidden ! I have no satellite receiver ! I have no CD no DVD ! I have no forbidden books, no forbidden film archives ! No smoke ! No cigarette ! No Vodka no beer no Champagne ! I know all and all are forbidden ! I know living is forbidden ! Ive lost the music of my life ! I have no party here ! I have no happiness here ! Here, I have no birthday party ! Today is the birthday of a little child, but I have no child anymore, I have not even one child ! Not even one little child ! I have not her pink rabbit doll anymore ! I havent her teddy bear bambini anymore ! I havent her raindear doll ! I have nothing worthy which you can take it from me forever ! I have nothing anymore that you can torture me by it by taking it away from me ! I have nothing and nothing and nothing anymore ! Come ! Come inside and search inch by inch ! Then in the next épisode, he sings this beautiful song for his lost daughter which its melody is a mix of musique instruments: Piano, Violin, Dulcimer, Lyra or Lyre, Cembalo, Harp, Tar, Flute, Pipe, Daf, Tombak, and he really cried while he was singing it, his crying wasnt a kind of role playing but he cried from bottom of his heart, This film, Yalda Night, or Shabe Yalda has won many academy film awards in film festivals of Iran, France, USA, Britain, Italy, Germany, Canada, Spain, Australia, Japan and Dubai, and doublé or translated in at least 20Languages, To know the meaning of the word Yaldā, you can google it under titles of Yaldā wikipedia, Yalda is longest day of the year, night of the Winter Solstice, December 20is an Iranian festival celebrated on the longest and darkest night of the year, in which friends and family gather together to eat, drink and read poetry (especially Rumi and Hafez and Ferdowsi the famous world known iranian poets) until well after midnight, Fruits and nuts are eaten and pomegranates and watermelons are particularly significant, The red color in these fruits symbolizes the crimson hues of dawn and glow of life, The poems of Rumi-Mowlãna, Divan-e-Hafez and Ferdowsi which can be found in the bookcases of most Iranians families, are intermingled with peoples life and are read or recited during various occasions like this festival and at Norooz the Iranian New Year at first day of Spring, the celebration of Shabe Yalda is celebrated and protected by iranians very tightly and seriously and honorably every year, which is remained from Zoroastrian tradition, when the religion of all of the iranians were Zoroastrian, belong to the Prophet Zoroast, Zoroast the Prophet orders and advises iranians to stay awake whole of the Yalda Night to protect themselves from evil, during this long dark cold night to lest misfortune should befall them, While Yalda Night is an inauspicious day, were originally customs intended, so people would then gather in the safety of groups of friends and relatives, share the last remaining fruits from the summer, and find ways to pass the long night together in good company and reading poems, singing, laughing.... to make the devil evil ran out away from their spirit, life, home and families, Avicenna the famous world known iranian ancient physician and astrologist in 70th volume of his medicine book Law of Medicines advises iranians very strictly to celebrate this night and also Norooz New Year of iranians, Many Homeopath physicians believe although whoever eats carrots, pears, pomegranates, and green olives in winter, will be protected against the harmful bite of insects, especially scorpions, Eating garlic on this night protects one against pains in the joints, Placing ones mouth near a donkeys ear and whispering into its ear is certain to cure any ailment, while mixing camel fat and mares milk and burning them will protect from insects the place where the smoke from this concoction penetrate, I wish I could hear Mohammad Rezas voice just now, when he was trying to convince me that my violinist is coming ! When I told him that my life is very similar to yours in this film Shabe Yalda, But he could never convince me, he told me: Look at me ! Im older than you, but....
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:04:49 +0000

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