After giving it some more thought, I would also like to point out - TopicsExpress


After giving it some more thought, I would also like to point out how dangerous articles like can be to the feminist movement. When gullible, stupid, and naive (GSN) people read this it can be harmful in a number of ways. when a GSN man reads this and sees language like “All men are potential statistics”, you can make him ashamed of being a man, or even antagonize people once sympathetic to the cause. By telling all men they are rapists, or they are just as bad as rapists for not immediately rounding up a posse and hunting misogyny down like an escaped slave, or Frankenstein’s monster (if you’d prefer), you are perpetuating a negative stereotype about men. And when GSN women read this misguided, distorted rhetoric, it can destroy any faith they once had in us. You make them (women) afraid. You make us (men) ashamed. You further draw battle lines and remind us of the differences between us. It’s almost as if this unfortunate incident is being used as type of false flag event that doesn’t bring us together, but drive us further apart. Comment posted on consentculture/2014/05/26/yes-men/
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 19:55:00 +0000

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