After having heard from my conservative friends long and loud - TopicsExpress


After having heard from my conservative friends long and loud about President Obamas executive action on immigration, I have to provide what I feel is a pretty good analysis of whats really going on. Its not what most Republicans believe is going on. For the Democratic party to win in 2016 they have to publicly drive the Republicans into an irrational fury that alienates them from the independent middle of the voting population. Neither party can win if their core base is their only support. 2016 is a battle for the independent and for the middle of the voting spectrum. President Obamas position is: that he is trying to keep immigrant families together, that the Republicans in Congress have consistently stopped legislation from being passed that would solve the problem, that the Republicans are willing to even damage the economy (by government shut down) just to break up these families. Its brilliant politics and folks like the representative from Iowa described in the attached article are doing precisely what President Obama wants, portraying the Republican party as the party of anger, hate and prejudice. This is not only out of fashion with hispanics, its out of fashion with the voters in the middle of the spectrum. These middle of the road voters appear not to have voted in 2014, but an issue like this could get them to the poles. It will be extremely interesting to see if the Presidents political skill can be overcome by the leadership of the Republican party. So far, anyone who is attempting to quell the extreme right-wing vitriol is condemned as a coward or weak willed. Thus the amazing success of the Presidents current action. In conclusion, I think that this executive action has rocked the Republicans right off their planned strategic path, made them the enemy of the fastest growing demographic in the country, and expanded the Democrats appeal tremendously in the critical non-aligned central votes in the country. Of course well all find out if Im right as 2015 unfolds. Look for the next step to be the President taunting the Republicans to impeach him, knowing that will continue to drive them into even more extreme behavior and alienate even more of the moderate voters.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 18:53:35 +0000

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