After hearing all the evidence, 12 jurors (9 Caucasians and 3 - TopicsExpress


After hearing all the evidence, 12 jurors (9 Caucasians and 3 African Americans) decided to no bill the officer meaning they determined there was no compelling evidence of any sort to charge the officer with any crime - ranging from involuntary man slaughter to capital murder. They had 5 levels of charges they could consider, any and all. They decided there was not even probable cause to be charged with ANY of them, let alone convicted. That means there had to be over whelming evidence that there was no crime committed here. I HATE that a young man lost his life. I mean that. Its tragic anytime that happens, anywhere. And it happens all too often in too many ways, shapes and forms. I hurt for his parents as well because no matter how it happens, losing a child has got to be the worst possible thing for a human to endure. All of that said, it is an absolute unacceptable situation that the mainstream media and others have created. The facts WERE NOT presented to the public accurately nor factually. Anger, overreaction and violence were incited and sometimes even applauded by parts of the mainstream media, race baiters. Even our attorney general and President jumped the gun on this to some degree and certainly didnt help matters. In my humble opinion, this sad situation had absolutely nothing to do with race. It was a situation where a young man made some very bad decisions and it led to a tragic ending. There was NEVER any credible evidence of any sort that indicated otherwise. It saddens me that so many for all the wrong reasons have propagated this situation into something it wasnt. We are regressing but we are also to blame for allowing the Al Sharptons and the like to continue to spread lies and incite anger and hatred. Its pathetic. You bet we still have issues to address. But we have NO CHANCE to make progress when we make something like this into something it wasnt. There are unfortunately a LOT of so-called leaders who hold onto power by playing on fear. They are motivated to exacerbate these type of situations. Yet, people listen them.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 03:24:14 +0000

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