After hearing people explain their disapproval with FINALS matches - TopicsExpress


After hearing people explain their disapproval with FINALS matches ( or even just their slight disappointment) as it relates to excitement/action I am totally convinced that some fans/analyst/competitors lack a full comprehension of competition. My first point in that a championship final may lack more action than other rounds is because of the PURE NATURE of the term itself final...a championship match is indeed final --- as Apollo so eloquently stated: there is no tomorrow! Unlike football/basketball cant afford to fall behind early...the likely hood of digging yourself out of a hole vs. the other best guy in the weight is not as high as in other matches you have had that year. With such a short match (6 mins HS or 7 mins NCAA) you are essentially restricted to do what is assured to work. That undoubtedly breeds the whole I cant make a mistake mentality. By default, the wrestler is going to be LESS active because he is clearly more calculated than in previous matches b/c he assumes his opponent would/should have the answer to many of their attacks b/c he now has 3-4 matches in which he was scouted at that event. The respect/caution of the opponent in this round is expectedly higher than other rounds. The guy across from you is either the #1 or #2 in the weight. The level of appreciation for this opponent raises substantially based on that reality...another element is that opponent may be UNDEFEATED - which says that there isnt anyone who has solved this opponent yet. All of that is stuff I think ppl know and can agree with...but the part that continues to baffle me - time and time again - is ppl have such a lack of comprehension of the concept of PRESSURE. For some odd reason b/c PRESSURE isnt visible, per se, it becomes the forgotten variable amidst a whole boatload of variables that are at play. Pressure to win. Pressure to not lose. Pressure to perform. Pressure to impress. Pressure to live up to expectations. Pressure to meet your own standards.Pressure to leave your mark ( either positively or negatively --- ppl remember the finals more than any other match of the season). Pressure to be perfect. Pressure....pressure....pressure.... There is no back-up, no second team, no time outs, no half time, no water breaks, no video review ( for bad calls)...its a HIGH Stakes environment. One mat in front of over 10,000 champions...stakes are high. I, along with everyone else wish more scoring took place in finals. I, along with everyone else enjoys scoring. But, I also appreciate and respect a tactician. Remember, when you are dominating everyone, the tactician/cerebral aspects of someones style may not be very visible. I can be entertained by a close match with little scoring when I see each ( or at least one) of them out think the other...figure the other out...position the other as they desire - to attack...etc... Clark did that did Sebastian ( so did Craig De LaCruz) both are NATIONALLY among the best the country has to offer. Close matches give you a chance to see if the wrestler has dont see that with first period pins. Final = FINALITY. Its not as easy as it looks from section 213 seat H7 in the stands with a large bowl of butter pop corn and a jumbo Pepsi in your lap & a event ticket in your back pocket --- sitting next to other ppl who also have snacks in their lap and tickets in their back pocket as well...goal SETTING is easy. Goal CONQUERING is a whole nother beast! The closer you get to accomplishing your goal the more the heart races. The more your mind races. You have got to assume that two Sr.s wrestling in a final have been competing for collectively over 25 years! They both know how to wrestle. Thats not the hard part. The tough part is to calm the nerves as they are inches/moments away from accomplishing a goal set over ten years ago. Once the nerves are settled then you have to execute your moves vs. the other best guy in the weight who also set his life long goal to match yours - to be the best! Folks, if it was as easy as us sitting in the stands and saying he shouldve or he couldve or I wouldve or I couldve --- relax. If it were as easy as SAYING it then EVERYONE would be a CHAMPION. Congrats to ALL the Champs --- I know it wasnt easy. You deserve to be applauded --- you made your mark and will be forever remembered as STATE CHAMPION!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 06:10:53 +0000

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