After knowing Ray Rice for 7 years I feel this is a one time - TopicsExpress


After knowing Ray Rice for 7 years I feel this is a one time incident. I have never seen him mistreat any one until this incident occurred. He is flat our wrong for his actions and it sickened me to watch the video. I believe in forgiveness and if Rice can speak out for the cause and prevent others from doing what he did and helping victims of domestic violence this offense in my eyes should be forgivable. I cant tell you how to feel on the issue but that is my opinion regardless if I knew Ray or not. There is still a long road to redemption of dedication, humility, and time. Most importantly I hope the Rice family can bounce back from a incident that they have already started healing from. Now they have to relive and go through all the pains taking steps over again because the NFL dropped the ball to begin with. Obviously this is a snow ball effect and had Ray never committed the crime we wouldnt be talking about this now. The NFL should have ruled with an iron first after investigating the incident. Had they seen the video or not the NFL should have punished Rice more stringently.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:48:20 +0000

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