After learning from one of Nigeria’s finest life coaches Steve - TopicsExpress


After learning from one of Nigeria’s finest life coaches Steve Harris on Business lessons from hookers (#bizlessonsfromhookers) and after reading from my Bible Life lessons from ants (#lifefromants) I have drawn Lessons from Lagos bus conductors (#lessonsfromlagosconductor) which I will share with you and hope you draw inspiration from, sharing other lessons with us as well. #lessonsfromlagosconductor the first thing noticeable about him is that he has a very strong, thick and coarse voice! Oh yes! That is what makes you know you are in Lagos. Your business must have a voice. He knows that the only way he can reach his customers is through that voice also, the best way he can withstand his competitors, union members and co. is by having that voice. Your business, brand or whatever it is must have a voice and you should know the appropriate channel through which to make this voice heard. #lessonsfromlagosconductor another thing is his character. He has a strong character which is his major tool of oppression or resilience either on his passengers or on his fellow union members. It is this strong character that makes you readily comply with his demand for smaller denominations (money) with you once he says ‘do not enter without change’. #lessonsfromlagosconductor the power of vision! Oh yes! (you must be laughing by now) He has vision else, how would he sight his passengers? He has his target, he doesn’t want the bus to move along empty therefore he must be quick to see opportunities (passengers) and communicate same to his driver when they get to that point to then maximize the opportunity. To excel, we must have the ability to recognize opportunities when they come our way and then maximize same and it is only when you have vision that you recognize an opportunity that is in tandem with the vision you have. #lessonsfromlagosconductor he has negotiation skills. He is a good negotiator. When he mentions a price and it is inconvenient for the passenger, he negotiates with the passenger and based on the outcome of the negotiation, decides to either pick the passenger or let him be. His ability to negotiate well gets him a passenger or makes him lose one and so the success of any enterprise depends on how well you are able to negotiate for sole benefit or at worst, mutual benefit. Only those who are able to negotiate their way through life always get the best out of it. #lessonsfromlagosconductor he has calculative skills! (laughs) yes, the same simple calculative skills that you probably struggle with. This one fundamental skill is required in his business in order to save him time amongst other things therefore, (assuming you gave him N200 for a N70 fare with an expected change back of N130) you then hear things like ‘do you have N20 there so I can give you N150?’ That is indeed simple calculation of addition and subtraction and he gets his problem solved in a jiffy. In other words, to be able to solve problems, you must have an analytical mind capable of solving problems that would otherwise have cost you time and resources by virtue of not being solved. #lessonsfromlagosconductor he monitors the environment and assesses competition. The same bus that will delay you at a bus stop looking for passengers is the same one that will decide not to stop at a particular location, racing on to the next. I have observed that once he sees a bus going in same direction with his, he tells the driver to move on to the next stop preferring to get there first before this other bus gets there. #lessonsfromlagosconductor from the above, we also see that he has the power of foresight! You should be able to see what the market holds for your business or what the strides of your competitors are and race into the future before they get there so when the future eventually comes, you will not be stranded rather maximizing all the gains and value it has to offer. A perfect example is a company like Nikkon which continues to be relevant in the photography industry long after the demise of the film/dark room technology
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 08:09:07 +0000

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