*After leaving Harolds cottage--no, itll be THEIR cottage, she has - TopicsExpress


*After leaving Harolds cottage--no, itll be THEIR cottage, she has to keep on reminding herself!--and after extricating herself from Harolds grasp--for he WILL keep on holding her to him and kissing her all over her hands, her cheeks, her nose and her lips every chance that he gets, that silly, silly man!--she runs home, bangs open the cottage door and yells out for her family to come quickly and that she must tell them something right quick--and when she tells them, they all look at her in wonder at first, shocked and startled at her almost manic appearance, her flushed cheeks, her bright eyes, her trembling lips, and then--and then they all cry and dance and laugh with her and then they ring up her family in New York City and there is tremendous joy all the way across the ocean too and then she has a very grownup sip of champagne and then there are toasts all around and then shes crying hard and laughing and smiling so much so that her jaw begins to ache--but its a good ache and she finds that she doesnt care, for she cannot stop smiling anyway, and she couldnt if she tried! Oh, how wonderful a friend Mr. Joseph Moseley, Footman at Downton Abbey is, is he not? She does so hope that he finds his happiness--and perhaps with a woman named Miss Phyllis Baxter, Ladys Maid to Lady Grantham at Downton Abbey? Oh, how lovely that should be, wouldnt it? Yes, well--whatever happens, she knows that she has a true friend in him--and he is a good and kind man just as her Harold is--her Harold who shall take her anywhere, be with her always--everywhere--forever. Forever, indeed! How wonderful life is, is it not? Yes, indeed--why, its amazing, it is! ~~~ Her life is now complete--and the man that completes it? Why his name is Harold Barrington Singer - Downton Abbey, of course, and hes come back to her--and hes never ever leaving her again!*
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 00:06:55 +0000

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