After looking at the Shattered Destiny spoilers I found two cards - TopicsExpress


After looking at the Shattered Destiny spoilers I found two cards that I really wanted to build around, Forge of Cadoc and Monsuun. With forge I found an aggressive Gore Feast Robot deck that could kill my opponent on turn two, or put 10 power into play on turn two with a perfect draw. Unfortunately (or should I say luckily for the metagame) the deck felt inconsistent, and it felt like the deck is missing 1-2 cards to make it a real contender. Don’t get me wrong, Forge of Cadoc has a very powerful effect, maybe even degenerate in the long run but but it needs a critical mass of dwarves and artifacts and that might not be there quite yet. I will still try and break the card every time a new powerful dwarf or artifact is released. Monsuun on the other hand feels great right now. Extinction was one of the mostly played cards in the recent Blood Cup and Monsuun when tunneled makes the first Extinction quite bad, or threatens to give the player tunneling Monsuun enough time to deal 20 damage before or at the same turn Monsuun surfaces. Monsuun needs to be paired with lots of troops. To get maximum value of the “Decoys” you need a good curve, from two to four and maybe even a few five-drops if there is a way to sacrifice your troops. That way you can tunnel Monsuun on turn two, play a three and four-drop and then on turn five play your five-drop and sacrifice it. If your opponent handles your entire board you’ll end up with four troops on turn six, one of them being a 3/3 rage 2 with speed. With this in mind I set my sights on Bunoshi the Ruthless. Bunoshis charge power fits with Monsuun, it can get rid of troops and make other decoys bigger. If your opponent deals with your powered up troop before Monsuun surfaces then you get value from the charge power twice. I settled on a mono-blood deck that feels quite powerful. After a week of tweaking I feel confident this is quite close to where you wanna be if you want to abuse Monsuun as much as possible. It plays like an mid-range deck capable of changing gears quickly. Champion: Bunoshi the Ruthless Resources 20x Blood Shard 4x Crackling Vortex Spells 4x Crackling Rot 4x Extinction Troops 4x Minion of Yazukan 4x Darkspire Priestess 3x Gortezuma, High Cleric 4x Darkspire Punisher 4x Monsuun, Shogun of Windajin 2x Vampire King 4x Wakizashi Ambusher 3x Darkspire Tyrant hex.tcgbrowser/#!/deck=11931 Cost Quantity 1 4 2 7 (15 with Monsuun and Ambusher) 3 12 4 10 5 3 Lets look a bit closer at each choice I made with the deck. 20x Blood Shard 4x Crackling Vortex I use 24 resources. Playing with 24 gets between two and four shards about 75% of the time, and only one or less in less than 15% of the times you draw a seven-card hand. Looking at turn five, when you want to have between 4-5 shards in play, you get exactly 4-5 shars about 50% of the time, counting both on the play and on the draw. Of course the odds gets worse with mulligans involved. Crackling Vortex is not a big issiue when only having cards that need double or tripple-blood on the higher end. Even with Darkspire Punisher the charge boost is worth it. 4x Crackling Rot 4x Extinction Extinction is the best sweeper in the game, and any less then four in the 75 (60 cards in the deck and a reserves of 15 cards) is in my mind wrong. Crackling Rot might seem like a odd choise over Murder, but it is better against Robots while also dealing with problematic cards like Xentoths Inquisitor and Wrathwood Master Moss. The charge is also very relevant. You want to be able to your your charge power twice before turn six. Between both cards the deck has great answers for troops. 4x Darkspire Priestess 4x Darkspire Punisher 3x Darkspire Tyrant In a deck where you have no real card draw you need troops that are able to 2-for-1. The Darkspire clan are just this. Priestess fits the style of the deck, Punisher threatens my opponents hand and Tyrant can win the game either by being an (if I may reference to another trading card game) Ancestral Recall or Price of Progress. They also fits the curve in the deck being at two, three and five. 3x Gortezuma, High Cleric The High Cleric won’t help you with defence, but on the offensive this is currently the most aggressive two drop in Blood. It can survive Extinctions and Repeals if your opponent is low enough, making it into a must-chump for your opponents creatures. Even before it gets invincible it is quite good. Playing it, using you charge power and attacking on the next turn you already have a 4/5 that will grow even bigger, as early as turn three. 2x Vampire King Vampire King is the best troop with Flight blood can offer. This deck is quite good on the ground, but not in the air. Vampire King helps with this and also is another out to a clogged board. 4x Monsuun, Shogun of Windajin The all star of the deck. I wouldn’t play less than four even though it is Unique. If you draw two of them you could bring back you troops a turn earlier and surprise an opponent. The decoy counters doesn’t disappear if Monsuun meets the fate of Countermagic when surfacing. You can just play (or tunnel) the second copy and still have all your decoys. Also, counters are only removed from play, not from you hand. If your opponent plays Buccaner on a troop with a Decoy counter, a second Monsuun can bring it back much later in the game. 4x Wakizashi Ambusher The Ambusher acts as Crackling Rot 5-8 with a sacrificable body for Monsuun. Getting it in play when Monsuun is tunneled gives you a removal spell that gets reused a turn or two later if you are able to put it into your graveyard. I often tunnel this turn two, followed by Monsuun turn three in slower matchups. 4x Minion of Yazukan The Minion that can’t die rounds of the deck. Minion + Bunoshi is a great combo, attacking with a 3/3 that comes back two turns later if killed seems pretty good. Oh, and it grows a bit bigger as well. It also grows any tunneled Ambusher when dying. Cards I have considered and possible reserves Xentoth’s Inquisitor Great card, but Vampire King as a hedge to Flight was better in this deck, as well as the utility for Wakizashi Ambusher. Discard (Inquisition / Giant Corpse Fly / Withering Touch) I really tried to fit at least four of theese in the main deck, but there was no room. A great reserves option . Murder Troops that’s a problem for this deck need the debuff instead of removal. Also not hitting War Bots is a minus, when that deck could be a part of the meta. Hophiro, Samural The second one-drop I considered for the deck. But to get it big enough was to hard, and playing four of this is not a good option for this deck. There is a deck out there for some Samurai + Shogun action but this is not that deck. Tormented Ritualist Being a Shin’hare and agressive seems quite good, but it competes against Darkspire Punisher for the slot. Punisher not being vounreble to Zared and also an almost guaranteed 2-for-1 makes it the better card for this deck. Blood Aura Permanent buffs on Minion of Yazukan is awesome, so a minion with lifedrain seems great. The two copies of Blood Aura were the last cuts from the deck (for a fourth Ambusher and a second Vampire King) was very hard. I can see this as part of a sideboard-plan against agressive decks. Chaos Key The only way for blood to get rid of a constant or non-troop artifact in play, so this is a given 4-off in the reserves. Relentless Corruption This deck can’t abuse this the same way Tu-pact or a blood based control deck so I left it out of the main deck. I don’t think this deck wants Corruption even in the reserves but it’s something I need to test more before deciding. Curse of Oblivion Another solid card for reserves. Getting rid of all but one copy of Crash of Beasts or Relentless Corruption from your opponents deck and hand seems great. Also good against Xentoth’s Inquisitor Terrible Transfer A great card for a mono-blood deck, but playing with a playset of Crackling Vortex makes it a little bit worse. Still Might be good enough for reserves play. Pact of Pain / Life Siphon They are very different, but falls in the same category when valuing them for this kind of deck. They are too much controlling for this decks playstyle. Sorrow A good sideboard-option if playing against falcons and storm clouds. I would consider it. There might be more cards to consider but this is a start. Thank you so much for reading all the way down here, and if you like it please follow me on Twitch. twitch/skaro87 See you in Entrath Skaro
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:02:52 +0000

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