After more than two month’s prevarication on the part of some - TopicsExpress


After more than two month’s prevarication on the part of some faceless, semi-literate government bureaucrats (probably the bottom end products of a privatized, third-rate polytechnic that now calls itself a university), I have at long last received OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION that as of mid-June 2013 I am obliged to contribute £2,756.00 annually to the National Deficit. As an O.A.P. (all right, Senior Citizen if you must), this sum represents over 25% of my hitherto gross income, moneys previously allotted to me in the form of Attendance Allowance to help meet the cost of those of my daily needs which have arisen from my infirmities - namely Meniere’s Disease and Osteoarthritis. These make it impossible for me to cook, do any serious shopping or perform the most basic of household chores (such a vacuuming) without experiencing attacks of acute light-headedness, dizzy spells and chronic pains in all my leg joints. In other words, given that I’ve been making N.I. contributions since 1963, I am being defrauded by The State. But then how do you sue The State for breach of contract? I suppose henceforth I am expected to live on corn flakes (assuming I can get to the corner store and back with the said eugenics’ delight, not to even mention the milk); or better still die of starvation under a blanket of motes and domestic dust. That would suit the DWP admirably because then they wouldn’t have to pay me any pension whatsoever… All in all, God Bless David Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith – the real irony being that the sum in question of which I’m being deprived weekly doesn’t even cover the price of a single glass of wine drunk at No.10 during lunch…
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 15:26:31 +0000

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