After my long pilgrimage unto the mountains I descended into the - TopicsExpress


After my long pilgrimage unto the mountains I descended into the plains a new prophet. I came unto a bridge where I found a group of people celebrating, cheering, manifesting zeal and zest while imbibing illicit brews in the name of paying their dues and I spoke thus unto them asking what the cause for merry was. A hunchback stepped up and spoke up for he was their representative and thus spokesman, he showed me a photo of a strange individual and told me that they had elected him as president, the crowd cheered in unison and lifted the hunchback upon their shoulders in their frenzy assuring me that the new president was a genius and hence a great man. I never believed the people when they spoke of great men and I hold to my belief that it was a reversed cripple who had too little of everything and too much of one thing. After I had spoken thus to the hunchback and to those for whom he was the mouthpiece and advocate, I turned unto my disciples and profoundly said," I solemnly tell you my friends that I walk among men as among the fragments and limbs of human beings, this is a terrible thing to mine eye that I find man broken up and scattered about as on a battle field or butcher ground and when mine eye flees from the presence of the bygone it stumbles upon the same in the future; human debris and no solid men. The present and the bygone upon the earth are my kin and thus my most unbearable trouble and I should not know how to live if I were not a seer of what was to come: A seer, a purposer, a creator, a future in itself, a bridge unto the future and alas also as it were a cripple on this bridge. All that is this young wide eyed ;prophet." and the hunchback and his minions asked who is Jeff to us, what shall he be called by us? And I spoke to them thus, "why give yourselves questions for answers?" then they replied thus," Tell us then dearest prophet, are you a promiser, a fulfiller, charlatan, conqueror, the anti matter, an inheritor, a biblical prophet, a healer, a poet, jester, a harbinger of doom, attention seeker, the AntiChrist or the good one? Tell us oh prophet so that if you are an associate of doom and honesty we may throw you off this bridge at once!" I responded thus, "I walk among men as the fragments of the future that I aptly perceive and it is all my poetization and aspiration to compose and collect into unity the fragment and rabble from the abyss of broken humanity!! You are forever mourning for free things at the expense of useful time and your only past time is to shake down and kill prophets, fools!! I tell you solemnly that which is free will never be bequeathed unto you, for free things given unto you is like giving an ungrateful lame man the ability to walk for as the man begins to run even before he has learnt how to walk his problems will stand up too making fool and jest of him, taunting him. Then they shall swiftly run to catch up with him and soon overtake him."
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 09:15:51 +0000

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