After my nutrition seminar last night, it is clear that people are - TopicsExpress


After my nutrition seminar last night, it is clear that people are more confused than ever about food and what they should be eating. I actually find this quite incredible and disturbing as a species that we have lost touch so much with nature and easily buy into the crap that supermarkets and supplement companies sell all the while looking for a magic pill to make it all better. So I have got some news for you. there isnt one. If you want to burn the fat away, if you want to feel less tired, scrap that, if you want to feel more AWAKE, more ENERGY, look Leaner and feel better then you have to look after you health and the fat will disappear. you need to educate yourself and take responsibility for your actions. only then will you move forwards and become slimmer and healthier. Find someone who truly understands nutrition and act on their advice. Surely you know broccoli is better than a mars bar right? You know that water is better than Diet coke right? So why do you think you are still doing the same thing over and over? If you would like to know let me know below and I will create an online seminar to tell you. so the answer is very simple build health to lose fat so what reasons are you giving not to do it? Let me know below and i will address are questions in the webinar.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:17:19 +0000

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