After my post about how neither of the leading candidates in next - TopicsExpress


After my post about how neither of the leading candidates in next month election, Goddluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari, inspire me, some folks out here (mostly supporters of Buhari, to be fair) said I was merely looking for excuses to support the status quo. This also fits into the growing trend of attacking all those that hold the similar positions. In fact, they have a derogatory term for us - Fencist. In the coming days I shall be writing an article in defence of the fencists. Joy Isi Bewaji take note. Lol! I dont know about others, but let me make myself clear. Before the bashing of the abysmal Jonathan administration became a national sport, when the entire country was high on the I-have-no-shoes monkey tail, at the period when the national sing song was I voted for Jonathan not PDP, I made it clear to anyone who cared to listen that Jonathan wasnt the answer. In fact I said he might turn out to be the worst president in the history of the country to the ridicule of many of you, here. You can check my timeline, those posts are still there, I believe. Have I changed my mind? Definitely no! Not that Ive anything against those that have changed their minds, by the way. Ask those who know me, iconoclasm is the diesel that drives my Molue. Any popular concept immediately becomes tasteless to me. Id critic the living daylight out of that which has mass appeal. It is not bad belle, its how Im wired. This is why I dont go to church or dig religion as a whole. By the way, unlike most Nigerians, I believe God got bored with earth and has since shifted his attention to another planet in the universe. God has forsaken man, simple (please dont preach to me when commenting, thank you.). But I digress. I feel the same way I felt in 2010/2011 about the Buhari campaign. I may be wrong but my instinct tells me not to be hopeful. Ive taken a critical look at the Buhari campaign and all its shortcomings and above anything, I think free speech would suffer the most if hes elected. Id rather starve to death than be denied the right to speak freely. The attack on free speech, absurdly may not come from his government directly but from the supporters of his government. The morning shows the day. Just look all over social media. Buhari supporters, insult, bully, and blackmail anyone that is not on their hysterical bandwagon. I wouldnt be surprised if a journalist or an activist who criticises the government is sought out by supporter acting on their own volition and beaten to a pulp. Tired of their battle with Jonathan supporters, they have shifted their attention on those of us they deride as fencist. Do they even realise that most of the fencist are really undecided voters who only need convincing to vote in a certain way. When you mock them they either befriend the Camp Jonathan or look for a more comfortable sport on the fence to sit on. If Buhari loses this election a huge portion of the blame should go to his supporters on social media.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:53:07 +0000

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