After my surgery I was given a few weeks reprieve to let things - TopicsExpress


After my surgery I was given a few weeks reprieve to let things heal up before beginning treatment. I was extremely pleased to find that my radiation treatment (5 days a week for 6 weeks) would be right here at good old Piedmont Fayette Hospital where my journey began. I was offered the chance to participate in a study that was testing a new drug for my type of cancer and I told them “only if I can have it in Fayetteville.” The director (as we say in the south…bless her heart) jumped through all the hoops to get approval for me to have the study med administered in Fayetteville and was successful. But first they had to check me out to see if there was some other health issue that might foul up their results. And bingo!....the scan showed a spot on my right kidney which kicked off a new flurry of activity. This culminated with a kidney biopsy done while in a CT scanner. The Radiologist removed at least five plugs from my kidney and the wait was on to determine if the beast I was to fight was a two headed monster. Amazingly, my urologist called me while I was out on an exercise walk and informed me that it was BENIGN! Nothing to worry about at all. However, by the time we overcame these obstacles, the study was filled. Turns out the study med was not successful and had some nasty side effects, so perhaps it was Divine intervention but I’m glad I missed the boat on this one. In spite of my poor prognosis I was told that I had several things in my favor: ONE: the prognosis for my age group was better than if I were very young or very old. TWO: Although very unusual, my tumor had bled which caused my visual disturbance, so it was diagnosed “early”…in spite of being stage 4. THREE: My health was excellent otherwise (with my form of cancer, you don’t need another battle to fight). Amazingly enough, in spite of the risk of being immuno – suppressed due to chemo and radiation I have had NO colds, NO sore throats, NO stomach bugs and NO Flu (no I didn’t take the flu shot). The only run of the mill health issue I’ve had in over a year was a light case of Shingles…which provided lots of roofing humor. FOUR: and (these are in no particular order), I had and still have a very positive attitude. FIVE: Did I mention that I have a positive attitude? SIX: I had and have maintained a VERY active lifestyle with my Critter work (yesterday I had to stand the 32 foot ladder in the back of the truck to reach a gable vent but don’t tell OSHA or my wife) …furthermore, EVERY trip to the Cancer Center for treatment, radiation, checkups etc I climbed 5 flights of stairs at least once and sometimes as many as 5 times per visit. In close to 50 visits there I still haven’t seen the inside of the elevator. Two weeks after surgery I was back on the ladders and crawling through the attics and walking two to four miles a day. SEVEN: A highly supportive and loving, care giving family that have taken on a much heavier load to let me use my energy to fight the battle (i.e. I’m spoiled rotten)! . EIGHT: My team of camo wearing critter incarcerating almost 700 strong Facebook warriors…I love ya’ll! NINE: The best team of Doctors, Nurses, Technicians etc etc that has ever been assembled anywhere (at least in my not so humble opinion). They take the stress out of health care…they are my family. I love ‘em. TEN: lastly but definitely not least (and I love it that MY care givers see the merit in this) is a strong faith in the great Physician. Genesis 18:25….”Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right”? So, with such an elite, high powered special forces unit we have staved off the enemy for more than a year and we ain’t quittin’ now….not by a long shot!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 21:03:00 +0000

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