After our brief reprieve of sad news I was hesitant to come on - TopicsExpress


After our brief reprieve of sad news I was hesitant to come on Lainey wondering what was going to be next.. I just made a post on my personal page and somebody commented that the walk to Albany is the statement....not necessarily carrying the chain the whole way. Maybe we could wheel it ? I love when people comment because I start to think.. And I stopped and I thought And it dawned on me this chain and the weight of it the burden of it Is the weight that we carry every day because we care It is the weight in caring about an animal that sick and needs medical help Or a dog that is lost Or a cat that is hurt Or shelter that is out of supplies Every single one of us has shed more tears being in animal welfare Yet most trudge on... so really the chain is just a tangible reminder... And a story... Of the burdens we carry because we refuse to look the other way... We refused to stay at our comfort zone And we refuse to let something weaker than us be hurt and say nothing The chain will be carried the entire way... Because these animals carry the weight of their abuse every day... And these politicians need to learn that it takes a very heavy toll not only on the animals but on all of us And if this chain draws enough media attention to get them off their rear ends and get this stuff through then so be it If this chain makes one person stand up and go yup Im going to Albany then okay And if this chain educates one person to not look away but stand up and speak If this chain changes one childs mind on how to treat an animal If it makes one abuser think twice because he knows that these crazy people will be coming Then so be it
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 03:45:24 +0000

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