After posting about Noah on my blog, I got a lot of hate mail. I - TopicsExpress


After posting about Noah on my blog, I got a lot of hate mail. I started to think maybe I was wrong. But then this was posted on my comments. I DO believe...I believe God can use anything to reach the lost. And He will...even an atheistic, unfactual, misrepresentation of the story of Noah. traversingtruth on March 31, 2014 at 4:30 pm said: Thank you for the truth spoken in your blog, it was well written and full of information that could change the heart of many! People need to hear that God can use anything for His glory, even a movie. I have a testimony that that proves your theory 100% correct: Twenty-six (26) years ago I sat in a darkened theater with a few friends as the movie “The Seventh Sign” with Demi Moore played out in all its glory. The end times plot truly intrigued me, and the pacing and action kept me at the edge of my seat. But what I found truly fascinating was the fact that one question kept playing over and over in my mind, “Is God real?” As the movie ended I sat quietly watching the credits move slowly over the screen and something unfamiliar began to stir in my heart…truth. Perhaps there was a God and at that moment I decided to find out what He was all about. I had never read the Bible nor understood what the end times had in store for those who did not believe in the Messiah Yeshua/Jesus. However, my friends and I sat in a quiet restaurant and spent the next 3 hours having a lively discussion about God, Salvation, Armageddon, and pretty much anything we could think of about the storyline. None of us were saved, or knew much about God, but one friend remembered some of her Sunday school teachings, which helped considerably. I believe this movie affected all of us in one way or another and truthfully it changed the course of our lives forever. I remember going to bed that night asking God to reveal Himself to me, and I would follow Him all the days of my life. A month later a Messianic Jew entered the Printshop, in which I managed, with a manuscript called, “The Truth About the Bible” He asked for a quote to have his book typeset and printed. I really didn’t want to have anything to do with the book, so I quoted him $15 per page (an outrageous price), but long-story-short, I eventually lowered the price to $6 a page. After having proofread every page of this book, the Word of God came alive in me. I started asking the Author questions about God and the End Times. I was captivated by his kindheartedness and peaceful demeanor…there was something definitely different about him. I felt safe to ask him questions about God and the end times. Ultimately, this God-fearing man loved me into the Kingdom of God and I haven’t been the same since. The road to my salvation began with a movie… After all these years, I am still thankful for the writer and producers that created this film, that begged the question, “Who is God?” I know that this particular movie was filled with inaccurate information about the Bible and the End Times, but it was used for God’s glory. For out of the four of us that saw that film that night, three of us are now saved and walking in faith with the King of Kings. I believe that God can use anything to get His story of love and mercy out to the lost and dying of this world, even a movie that most Believers deem unworthy. So, let’s try not to judge a movie too quickly, and allow God to work outside the box of religion. Thanks again for sharing!!! :-)
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:24:01 +0000

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