After pouring my soul into this back cover blurb, and borrowing - TopicsExpress


After pouring my soul into this back cover blurb, and borrowing goodly portions of my editors to fill in the gaps, Im finished. Throughout this process, there have been two groups of voters, the plot group and the character group. This is largely a character based book, but I understood the desire to know the plot, so staying within 150 words made it difficult to address both. My solution, in the end, was to give the characters a more prominent display, but include hints of the plot between the character depictions. Please note that the small sentences between the character depictions will be in italics when its actually on the back cover, so there will be more of a contrast. And, of course, it will all be properly indented and whatnot. I just cant do any of that on Facebook. As always, comment and let me know what you think! Im curious to hear reviews of the final product, and Im officially finished with everything, now, so all that remains is to get the pre-released copies to those who signed up (hopefully by mid-January if everything continues running smoothly) and the actual release date itself. Thanks! Back Cover Blurb Unjustly discharged, General Alocar rots in retirement. Torn by conscience, betrayed by duty, a formidable choice awaits him. Blackmailed into a mission. A violent mercenary duo, Slate swaggers through life armed with apathy, his only weakness Teacher, a devoted but broken companion. They’re facing a religion with a warped agenda. A pawn in a political game, Crymson is a priestess fallen from grace. Wanting only to be empowered, needing to be free, she refuses to settle. Alongside a monarchy with a secret. Delivered from a voiceless existence, craving belonging, Isaac is a living weapon hiding a magical secret. A secret that could damn them or save them. And they have to stop both of them. Divided in knowledge and nature, twisted by kind, Angras manipulates the others against their will. Deceit in the shadows, deceit in the mind. Or die trying.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:51:23 +0000

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