After reading Akshayes post yesterday something else came to - TopicsExpress


After reading Akshayes post yesterday something else came to mind...I thought I would share it today. I never asked Guruji for anything and never told Him about my problems, difficulties, setbacks or disappointments. All I wished for was to be able to be close to Him...sit near Him.... so I could look at Him directly and listen to every word He said. I just wanted to absorb His divine aura and take complete refuge in Him. Guruji being the all-knowing Supreme Lord was totally aware of my troubles. He was also well aware of the fact that I never asked Him for anything. This went on for a long time until, finally, He started talking to me about my problems.....asking very specific questions about things that I had never articulated to anyone let alone to Guruji Himself. Let me add here that if Guruji even so much as asked someone about their troubles, that was an immense blessing in itself. Anyway, when He kept asking repeatedly, I finally confessed to Him that inspite of all my efforts things had not been working out for me was in stagnation and my health problems were getting aggravated rather than cured by the myriad treatments I had resorted to ...all in vain. To my utter amazenent, He expressed grave concern and lovingly chided me for not sharing this with Him earlier. He said, Pehle kyun ni dassya....pehle dassna chahida si. I couldnt believe my good fortune that Guruji was asking about my problems and scolding me for not telling Him anything all this time! He immediately told my parents to do some upay that only had to be done once and all the obstacles that were preventing me from moving forward in my life would be removed permanently. In regards to my health problems He stated that they were caused due to an underlying hormonal imbalance but they would vastly improve in the near future as He had conferred His full blessings on me ....and soon after that I tried a new treatment that was considered high-risk but with Gurujis blessings it worked wonderfully for me and the side-effects were only experienced minimally, leaving no permanent damage. The most amazing thing happens when we go to Guruji for the right reasons and only ever seek the asli cheez from Him.....His grace, His love and the divine benediction of true devotion or Bhakti. The Supreme Lord reciprocates by bestowing His unconditional love, His immediate attention and constant protection. He takes care of all our troubles, removes all our obstacles and fulfills all our needs. I will refrain from using the words desire here because that is where we tend go wrong ...when we go to Him seeking the fulfillment of desires or a quickfix remedy for our problems. No that is not the right reason to go to Him.....Go to Him out of love and a fully surrendered state, asking for nothing but His grace.... seeking the asli cheez from His inexhaustible treasure of spiritual abundance. His grace is all that is required. Everything else falls into place on its own after that. He is the Supreme Lord ...the Supreme controller. All manifestations emanate from Him alone. He is the eternal cause of origin. He is beginningless and eternal. The entire created universe is His physical body. Everything abides in Him and He abides in every created being as the Supreme soul. The ceation, preservation and dissolution of His entire material creation is orchestrated by just a small fragment of His imperishable cosmic potencies. His powers are absolute, unfathomable and limitless. He doe not make us suffer just to teach us lessons. Its not that simple.....our suffering is the reaction generated by our previous wrongdoings and misdeeds. He always said, Apne karam te bhogane hi pende hai. ....but with His blessings our suffering is alleviated significantly. The sinful reactions that we were meant to endure as per the law of karma.......get mitigated to such an extent that they are experienced only minimally until they dissolve. He is most merciful and compassionate. He is most benevolent and magnanimous. He gives us countless opportunities to redeem ourselves and improve our karma. We should be utterly grateful for that....always remembering the true purpose of human existence. The earth plane is not the final abode.......we are bound to this material plane until we work out our give-and-take karmic accounts with others, settle our karmic debts, disengage from the false conceptions and identifications with the illusory ego-based self and finally achieve realisation of the soul which is the true divine self. It is very sad when people blame God for their problems and suffering and attribute it to some cruel tests that He is arbitrarily subjecting them to.That is not how it works. God is the embodiment of mercy, compassion, bliss and love. He is Sat-Chit-Anand......eternal truth, ultimate consciousness and infinite bliss. Learn to love Him and He is yours. JAI JAI GURUJI KALYAN KARO GURUJI I LOVE YOU AND ADORE YOU MY SPIRITUAL MASTER AND SUPREME LORD !
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 02:28:34 +0000

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