After reading Vaughn Palmers take on John Horgans reasoning behind - TopicsExpress


After reading Vaughn Palmers take on John Horgans reasoning behind supporting CCs LNG dreams, and after the revelations that Greens are blue Tories dressed in Green, I have lost hope that any current political party in BC can lead us to a better BC. I am now dreaming of a new political party arising from the Idle No More movement. A political party/movement that is radically different from any existing political party. For 400 years, thanks to the influence of the ideas of Francis Bacon, an aspect of European culture based on the rape of the earth has dominated. Around the same time that dominance of the earth was being advocated, colonialism/capitalism also ensured the subjugation of people all around the world in the pursuit of profit. Now, as OPEC forces oil prices to tumble, and as China abandons LNG, and at the end of the warmest year on record, for our own survival, we need new-to-us relationships with the earth and with each other, something like the concept of all my relations which is similar to the African concept of ubuntu - I am because we are - or, another version of that I suggest: We are because earth is... Because this concept of interconnectedness would be fundamental, there would be absolutely no question about ensuring that our children have the best possible education since their well-being and our well-being are as connected as we are all to each other. We have a choice between two different perspectives on our relationship with the earth: Francis Bacon: For you have but to follow and as it were hound nature in her wanderings, and you will be able, when you like, to lead and drive her afterwards to the same place again...Neither ought a man to make scruple of entering and penetrating into those holes and corners, when the inquisition of truth is his sole object Quoted on page 170 of This Changes Everything, Naomi Kleins book on climate and capitalism From Mitakuye Oyasin (All Are Related) is a phrase from the Lakota language. It reflects the world view of Interconnectedness held by the Lakota people.[1] The phrase itself, and the underlying belief of interconnectedness with all creation, is a part of many Yankton Sioux prayers,[2] and is found in use among Lakota, Dakota and Nakota people.[3][4] The phrase translates as all my relatives, we are all related, or all my relations. It is a prayer of oneness and harmony with all forms of life: other people, animals, birds, insects, trees and plants, and even rocks, rivers, mountains and valleys.[2] I hope the Idle No More movement keeps growing rapidly. We need a new path if our children are going to have any hope of growing into old age on a livable planet.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 15:40:25 +0000

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