After receiving hundreds of emails asking me Jon, ano ang naging - TopicsExpress


After receiving hundreds of emails asking me Jon, ano ang naging negosyo mo at nakapag-quit ka sa job mo? Ill revel it now. I’ve been selling digital books (e-Books) in the past 6 years. And in the last 36 months, I sold over 24 Million Pesos e-Books. Best of all, I’ve been running this simple business at the comfort of my home, working just few hours a day, and with no full-time employees. And in the next series of emails, I’ll reveal some of my trade secrets and how you can do it too even if you think you’re not good in computer. First, let me tell you why e-Book is the perfect to sell on the web. Well, just consider the advantages of e-books over every other type of product being sold online today: * Virtually 100% profit margin - An e-Book cost nothing to print because it’s an electronic file. * Simple and inexpensive to produce. Your initial expense is just few thousands pesos – even less if you do the work yourself. * You can deliver e-Book automatically. There’s no manual labor involved and you don’t need employees. * No printing cost, zero storage costs and very low overhead costs. * Higher perceived value than regular books - e-books are typically less than HALF the length of regular books ... yet they sell for 2 or 3 times more! * It’s easy to sell because customers can access the information in 5 minutes after their purchase. * Customers love it because it’s cheap and they don’t need to pay extra for shipping cost. Not only that, since more and more people now owns devices like iPhone, iPad, and mobile phones… …there is a continuous flood of new customers. How I Discovered This Highly Profitable and Low-Risk Business Somewhere in 2002, I read the book of Robert Kiyosaki “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. He mentioned how the rich get richer and he said…through Business and Real Estate investing. Since, I don’t have money to invest for real estate, I started part-time businesses. While employed, I started a restaurant, pharmacy store, retail (sari-sari), and graphic design services. Nalugi lahat. I lost all my savings, humiliated, and earned Millions in debt from my bank. One day, while chatting with a friend he introduced me to online businesses. He shared various ways to make money online. There are a lot of possible Internet businesses. But what excites me the most was selling information products like e-Books because I myself am a customer buying e-Books. I love reading. So I decided to create an e-book that I can sell. And since I’m not really creative and I’m not a good English writer, here’s what I did. I simply compiled over 200 Bible verses, categorized them by topic, and turned it into an e-Book. Since these verses are free online, I didn’t write anything except for the title and subtitle of the book. I just copied and pasted Bible verses in MS Word and converted it into a PDF file. That’s my very first e-Book. To be honest, I’m not sure if someone is going to buy it. Why? Well the whole Bible is free for anyone over the web right? Pero sabi ko sa sarili ko…”Well, what do I have to lose?” So I launched it around 11:45pm of August 4, 2008. Sell it for $17. I woke up 7a.m the following day, had a good breakfast, fire up my laptop…. And to my surprise… …two customers bought my product that day. I can’t believe my eyes. That month, I made $242 in profits. Hindi na masama for my first try right? BUT what fascinates me is the information in my book is free and available on the Internet. I simply copied and paste them and turn it into an e-book (PDF Format.) In my next email, Ill reveal to you the trade secrets in this kind of business. The kind of information that people are willing to buy. To your freedom, Jon Orana P.S. Ill also share to you how to create e-Books without writing a single sentence. Talk to you soon.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:35:51 +0000

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