After sharing my NUMEROLOGY TESTIMONIAL VIDEO i received a lot of - TopicsExpress


After sharing my NUMEROLOGY TESTIMONIAL VIDEO i received a lot of messages commenting about the fact that : I Cancelled my wedding plan and i am no longer going to get married, instead of about Numerology.... LOL!! :p But really guys, thank you so much for the concerns and especially for thinking of me, i truly appreciate it. But it seems that this is the perfect timing for me to share this video and past status ( edited using my own version ) of my mentor, Montana Schmidt who were also going through a similar situation regarding Relationship and about the same time too! FML!! talking about being Soul Sisters! LOL! So here goes.... It was the hardest yet most liberating day of my life... It felt like a lifetime ago but yet it only happened about 7 weeks ago. It may be the hardest yet most liberating day I have lived up until now, as I close one chapter of my life to be able to start and open the next. 7 weeks ago I left Australia and moved out of a place I have called home for the last few months ( Lakemba , Sydney ) and separate from the most amazing person I have ever met in my life and who I have spent most of my time with for the last 1,5 years weve been together. The first few weeks in Indonesia for me had been a roller coaster of emotional breakdowns and breakthroughs, certainly the most vulnerable I have ever felt in my whole life. (Thank goodness for my soul sisters, friends, familys and my own unconditional love and never ending support for myself, and for having coaches, mentors and role models along the way) The decision for Ahmed and I to separate was.... kind of a mutual decision and one that I myself definitely have put much thought into..... so as it comes as a shock for most people, for me it has been almost a natural transition… as this is not the first time it happened in our relationship, but will definitely be the last. A transition much like the video I will have attached to this post of the base jumping chic… totally natural transition LOL FML!! So regardless of the uncomfortable transition, me and Ahmeds family will inshaAllah continue to keep the good relationship, as i have considered them a part of my family too, although this won’t require any direct contact with him personally. My decision to stay in Indonesia will allow us both the time we need to heal and become the complete versions of ourselves outside of our relationship. It may or may not be forever, but one thing is for sure we know we were soul mates in our relationship while it lasted, so like I would with any of my friends or clients, I invite you to be open to the possibility of positive change through what sometimes may seem like extreme or uncomfortable circumstances. I re-create a space here to awaken you to any unconscious relationship wounds that you may project onto my current positive and life transformational time, things to be aware of are: *The need to GOSSIP *The urge to FEEL SORRY *Feeling the need to TAKE SIDES These are just a few examples of how other people can project past relationship hurts onto other peoples experiences. Celebrate change with me as I again go on a personal journey to rediscover who I am right now and into my future. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your love and support and for continuing to believe in me! with Love, Peace and Gratitude, Fanny Lara Ambadar - The Unconscious Beauty #theunconsciousbeauty #unapologetic #mefirst #lovingmyselffirstbeforelovingothers Follow your intuition, as when something doesnt feels right, it usually isnt If you dont go within.... youll go without.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 13:26:33 +0000

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